Chapter 4

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I've been driving for what feels like ages, but it's been a good few hours for sure. I left South Dakota in the morning, and now I'm catching the sunset. Not a clue which state I'm in, but I'm heading south. No way I'm going back to what I once called home, not after all that's happened.

I've been making quick stops for gas and grub, but strangely, I'm not even tired. If anything, I'm wide awake. Could be all the pent-up energy, the anger, frustration, or maybe it's just the energy drinks I've been pounding.

What I do know is I gotta find a bar or somewhere to gamble. My stash is dwindling, and I'm not taking any chances. Managed to snag a couple of bucks from Damian's account before he froze my card. Survival mode, you know?.

Night's creeping in, so I decide to take a detour down some backroads. Lo and behold, I stumble upon a bar, a fancy one at that. Parking lot's full of fancy cars, people dressed sharp, giving off more of a business casual vibe. Doubt I'll be able to hustle here, but I could use a drink.

Park my bike away from prying eyes and head inside. Place is buzzing, clean, well-lit, with high-end furniture. Feeling a bit out of place here.

I spot an empty barstool sandwiched between two towering guys. Before someone else swoops in, I make a dash for it.

"Hey there, sunshine! What can I get you tonight?" A short, white, blue-eyed bartender flashes me a warm smile, making me feel oddly welcome.

I return the smile. "A shot of your best whiskey, please." He nods and gets to work. One of the guys next to me is eyeballing me ever since I ordered. I just chuckle and keep to myself. Not in the mood for small talk.

Down the shot in one gulp, no funny faces. Used to that burning sensation; it's like therapy.

"Wow, impressive," the guy finally speaks up, still staring. I take a deep breath and face him. "Can I help you?" I ask sharply.

He doesn't budge, just keeps on staring like a creep, but there's something about his hazel eyes that draws me in. Weirdly, I feel a sense of calm wash over me.

Shifting uncomfortably on my stool, I clear my throat. "Sorry, not great with new folks. Name's Y/N," I say, extending my hand. He looks me over, then nods and shakes my hand. "I'm Sebastian."

His touch sends a shockwave through me, something I've never felt before.

"Can we talk outside?"

"Um, no. I don't feel like it. We can stay here," I reply, harsher than intended.

He looks around as if someone's watching us, or maybe he's searching for someone else?.

My senses are tingling. Something tells me there's more to him than just a simple facade.

He grabs my arm, rushing us outside. I'm screaming, hitting him, but it's like I'm muted or something. No one's watching us. Well, this is how I go out.

We reach the back of the bar, only one light bulb functioning. Thank goodness, my bike is nearby, easy to spot.

"Don't even think about it, Y/N L/N!" He almost spits at me. I freeze. How does he know my last name? I never mentioned it. And how does he know what I'm thinking?.

I step back, ready to grab my gun when he speaks again. "That won't kill me."

My heart's pounding like crazy inside my chest. I'm sure I'll pass out any moment now.

I straighten my shoulders. "What the hell are you!?" I bark angrily. "Answer me!"

He doesn't say a word. He stands firmly in front of me, letting out a loud sigh. He closes his eyes, and when he opens them again, they're flashing an icy blue color.

Heaven's Gates -Dean Winchester x Fem Reader-Where stories live. Discover now