Our Club

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James rubs his eyes and groans, why did Toasty wake him up at 5:06 AM?

"Toasty...what is the meaning of this? you should be asleep!" James asks.

"We have to make the club!" Toasty explains.

James realised that the making of the club was supposed to be today.

"Hehehe, Sorry about that" James apologises, earning a sigh from Toasty.

Toasty is oddly quiet on the walk to their designated stop, but James is too focused on thinking about his warrior duties.

Once they reach the spot, James immediately runs towards Max, Echo and Stuart.

"So, how are we going to begin?" Max asks.

"Maybe set some rules" James suggests.

Everyone likes that plan and they try to think of rules.

"Maybe we shouldn't expose our identities" Echo suggests.

"I agree! being a warrior is important and we shouldn't give away who we are, that'll be risky" James says in agreement.

"I can suggest a-" Toasty tries to say before being interrupted by Max.

"I know! how about we search for the monsters after school!" Max says as everyone starts to nod.

Toasty is the only one not nodding, looking at the rest who don't seem to notice that they are there.

"James, I'm getting tired..." Toasty says to James.

"In a minute Toasty, this is important" James says.

Toasty looks upset and when no one is looking, they sneak away.

They run back to James' home and they close the door, running up to their room to sleep.

Toasty realises they can't sleep, so they reminisce on the days when it was just them and Max before the stones, Echo and Stuart came along all while crying.

"Stupid James, Why don't you care about me anymore?" Toasty says before drifting off to sleep.

Meanwhile Max looks scared.

"Uh...guys, where's Toasty?" Max asks.

James looks around and notices that Toasty is gone, James feels guilty for telling Toasty to wait.

"We should look around, let's start at my house!" James says.

Everyone nods and they rush towards James' house.

James opens the door and everyone rushes to his room, luckily they see Toasty asleep.

"Thank goodness they are okay" James says.

Everyone heads back outside to continue talking about the club.

Stuart notices a weird noise coming from the trees.

"I hear something weird!" Stuart shouts, everyone looks at Stuart, noticing the noise too.

"I hear it as well" Echo says.

They see a monstrous crab from the bushes.

"Why did it have to be a crab?" James says while looking startled.

"We should transform!" Max says, everyone nods in agreement.

"Warrior Charge! Activate!" Everyone says in unison.

They begin to fight the crab.

James draws a bubble and merges it with Stuart's slime power to trap the crab.

"That was impressive" Stuart says as James nods.

The crab pinches the slime bubble so hard that it bursts.

The crab scratches James, he winces.

"Ow...that hurt" James says, everyone looks worried.

"James? are you okay?!" Max asks worryingly.

"Yeah, I'm good, that just hurt a lot" James says.

Everyone sighs in relief.

Max uses corals to distract the crab, he comforts the crab as it's looking at the corals.

"It's going to be okay, we are right here" Max says in a comforting voice.

The crab glows and reverts back to normal, Max uses his powers to teleport it back to the beach.

"That was excellent!" James says.

"Yeah, but your arm has a scratch now" Echo points out.

"Hehehe, it's okay, it's not bleeding so I guess I'm okay" James says.

Everyone detransforms.

"Get some rest okay?" Max says, James nods.

"I will!" James says as he heads inside.

He goes into his room and heads to bed.

"That was a weird battle" James says before sleeping.

In the morning, Toasty awakens to find that they are still upset.

"Huh? I thought sadness goes away when you sleep, what is happening to me?" Toasty wonders to themselves.

They stare at their hands, they are shaking.

"What's going on?" Toasty asks themselves in a scared tone.

In the forest, something glows which causes Toasty to feel a lot of pain and scream.

"OW! IT HURTS!" Toasty says under their blanket.

The pain and glowing stops and Toasty removes their blanket from their face.

"What was that?" Toasty asks.

Toasty heads out of bed and goes downstairs, still feeling upset from yesterday and scared from the pain they just felt.

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