Memories like a dream

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James and Max were holding an AI chip, they were going to put it in a toaster.

"A smart toaster! perfect for our 2nd grade assignment!" Max says happily.

"Yeah! we can even name it!" James says.

They place the AI chip in the toaster.

It glows a lot, sparks coming out of it.

The 2 kids duck underneath the table.

The toaster opens its eyes and giggles.

"D'aaaaaw! so cute!" James says happily.

"What should we name it?" Max asks.

"How about...Toasty?" James suggests.

"Good name!" Max says.

The 2 giggle as Toasty smiles.

James and Max decide to keep Toasty at James' house.

"I love you Toasty!" James says as he hugs Toasty, who giggles.

Toasty eventually learns to talk after a few months.

"J......Jam...Jame...James..." Toasty says after struggling a bit.

"Toasty! you said my name! I love you!" James says happily.

"James!" Toasty says while giggling.

Max enters the room.

"Max! they said my name!" James says happily.

"James" Toasty says.

"You're so cute!" Max says happily.

The 3 giggle.

3 years later, Toasty is drawing scribbles.

"Those look colourful!" James says while staring at Toasty's image.

"Thank you!" Toasty says while giggling.

"Soon you'll draw stick figures, and then full on images!" James explains.

"Yay!" Toasty exclaims happily.

The 2 share a hug.

"I hope we are never separated!" James says.

"Same!" Toasty says.

The 2 wish to be together forever.

The 2 are now playing a video game about a blue hedgehog.

"Man, the blue team is amazing!" James says.

"The red team's cooler, it has a robot" Toasty says.

"True" James says.

They play the ending where an evil robot doppelgänger of the hedgehog turns into a dragon.

"That was scary" Toasty says.

"It's okay, he won't hurt you!" James says.

Toasty hugs James, smiling.

James hugs back happily.

However these memories wouldn't last for long.

"James! It's scary!" Toasty yells out.

But no one came...

"I'm scared! please! anyone! James! Max! help me!" Toasty yells out in anguish.

Toasty sobs, feeling scared, upset and alone.

"Why won't anyone help me? WHY AM I ALONE?!" Toasty screams out.

Toasty curls up into a ball and cries their eyes out.

"I'm lonely..." Toasty says.

Toasty remembers who's fault it is.

"Oh right, Echo and Stuart...why did I get so caught up in those good memories" Toasty says.

Toasty laughs.

"I think I know what I need to do now!" Toasty says.

Toasty's vision is covered in darkness, as the dream ends.

Toasty wakes up, feeling motivated to fight again.

"How long did I sleep for?" Toasty asks.

"2 days, took you a while to escape those memories" The stone explains.

"Makes sense, I'm ready to end this battle and win" Toasty says determinedly.

"Good, you really are a good corrupted warrior" The stone says.

Toasty smiles and teleports to the mountains.

"This will be fun, there's no way they can reach here" Toasty says.

Toasty walks among the mountains, grinning widely.

Toasty will be having a lot of fun today.

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