friends like you will leave anyways

6 0 0

Toasty was staring at their hand, feeling the chest pain return.

"It hurts, what do I do?" Toasty asks the stone.

"You should get stronger, James and Max never really cared, you saw that" The stone explains.

"Yeah...I guess you're right" Toasty says.

Toasty decides to become even more cruel in order to stop the pain.

"I won't spare anyone anymore" Toasty says to themselves.

"You got through to them for a second?" James asks.

"Yeah, but then their eyes turned red again and they started to scream" Stuart explains.

"I just wish that stone stopped it already, I don't want to see them get tortured anymore" James says.

"Yeah, it's making me sick to my stomach" Max says in agreement.

"That poor kid is only 6, they don't need to go through this" Echo says.

"And also, why did that stupid stone age them up?" Stuart asks.

"Maybe it's because it wants Toasty to fight more" James says.

"Maybe" Stuart says.

The 4 decide to search for more answers after school.

James thinks about yesterday, he just wants to save Toasty already.

Toasty is wandering the forest, just wanting to be alone for now.

"I don't want to revert back to that kid, my life is getting better by doing this..." Toasty says, doubt in their heart but they ignore it.

Toasty sees a bunch of animals.

"Heh, what if I make a bunch of monsters, that'd be entertaining" Toasty says.

Toasty holds out their hand and corrupts 4 animals.

Toasty laughs.

"This is fun!" Toasty yells.

The beasts scatter to different areas.

"Now those warriors will have to separate" Toasty says with a grin.

Toasty stares at the sky, feeling victory come closer.

"Soon, they'll regret messing with me" Toasty says.

James notices 4 beasts outside.

"WHAT THE?! 4?!" James shouts in shock.

The others notice and they rush outside.

"We need to split up" James says, the others nod.

"Warrior Charge! Activate!" The 4 shout.

James chases the raccoon.

"How did Toasty corrupt this much?" James asks himself.

James approaches the raccoon.

"It's going to be okay, I'm right here!" James says to the raccoon.

The raccoon attacks James, so he draws a shield to defend himself.

"I'll save you!" James says.

Max stares at the mouse.

"Please don't be afraid, everything's going to be okay" Max comforts the mouse.

The mouse tries to scratch Max, Max dodges.

"This is horrible" Max says.

Echo and Stuart chase the pig and chicken together.

"They look frightened" Echo says.

"Yeah, it's heartbreaking, but we'll save them" Stuart says.

Echo and Stuart hug the 2 animals.

"We won't let go!" The 2 shout in unison.

James is on the floor, he pulls out his wand.

"Warrior C-Charge" James tries to say as he is being crushed by the raccoon.

James tries his best to breathe.

"POWER ON!' James shouts in pain as the wand bursts energy, purifying the raccoon.

The raccoon looks scared, James comforts the raccoon before it walks away.

James rushes towards Max's location.

Max is struggling against the mouse, luckily James rushes in.

"James!" Max yells.

"I'm here, I almost suffocated but I'm okay" James explains.

"Please, stay careful next time James" Max says.

"I will!" James says.

Max uses water lilies to trap the mouse.

Max stares at the mouse again, before pulling out his wand.

"Warrior Charge! Power On!" Max shouts.

It bursts a lot of energy, purifying the mouse.

The mouse squeaks happily before running back to its family.

Echo and Stuart use soundwaves and slime to make the pig and chicken dizzy.

Echo and Stuart run to the opposite sides of the field.

Stuart makes slime bubbles, which Echo directs towards the pig and chicken.

The pig and chicken stare at the slime bubbles.

Echo and Stuart pull out their wands.

"Warrior Charge! Power On!" The 2 shout.

The energy coming from the wands purifies the pig and chicken.

Echo and Stuart search for James and Max, they find the 2 quickly.

"Echo! Stuart! You're okay!" James says happily.

"Yep!" Echo says.

The 4 spot Toasty trying to sneak away.

"TOASTY!" James yells.

"What is it?" Toasty asks in annoyance.

"This was too far...I almost suffocated" James says.

Toasty looks horrified.

"I-I..." Toasty tries to speak, their throat unable to produce words.

The 4 warriors look at Toasty, who's shaking.

"Don't listen to them, they're making you weak, retreat" The stone says to Toasty.

"Okay..." Toasty says and teleports away.

"Oh my worry is getting worse, please...break free Toasty" James says in horror.

Toasty stares at themselves in a puddle.

"You should teleport somewhere to rest, you'll be able to awaken when you're ready" The stone says to Toasty.

"Yeah..." Toasty says before teleporting to the stone's domain to rest.

"Hopefully this restores your motivation to fight" the stone says.

James stares outside his window, looking worried.

"I'll make sure that stone never hurts you again..." James says.

James knows that if he doesn't save Toasty soon, then Toasty will be corrupted permanently.

Oddballs: Magical StonesWhere stories live. Discover now