The Future Awaits Us (FINALE 2/2)

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Toasty wakes up in a icy dark cavern, they notice James unconscious.

"James? James?!" Toasty yells in concern.

James wakes up and notices that he had detransformed while unconscious.

"Toasty, are you okay?" James asks.

"Yeah but are you?!" Toasty asks in worry.

"I am, I just feel dizzy" James says.

Toasty helps James get up and the 2 look at the huge block of ice that is blocking their path.

James sees a sign that is hard to read due to the darkness, so Toasty lights up their eyes to be a flashlight and they read it.

"A corrupted thing must be uncorrupted before destroying this block of ice" Toasty reads.

Toasty stares at the corruption stone.

Toasty takes the stone off their coat, and they lightly press it against their palms.

The stone lights up, Toasty rubs it until a huge light bursts.

Toasty reverts back to a 6 year old but their outfit has changed, they look at the stone, which has turned into the purity stone.

"I'm a warrior now!" Toasty shouts.

"Well done Toasty!" James says.

The ice starts to crack, it then shatters completely, allowing the 2 to walk forward.

"It's nice to have you back Toasty" James says.

"Yeah, I missed you" Toasty says.

James holds out his stone.

"Warrior Charge! Activate!" James yells.

James turns back into his warrior form and the 2 start to fly.

"Now we just need to find an exit" James says.

Toasty finds a light.

"We should fly up to that light" Toasty says.

"Good idea" James says.

The 2 fly up to the light, and they are now back on the mountain.

They fly across the mountain, trying to find Max, Echo and Stuart.

"Where are they?" James asks himself.

It is very snowy and foggy so it is hard to see.

"Maybe you can draw goggles to see" Toasty suggests.

"Good idea Toasty!" James says.

He draws some goggles, he puts them on and he is able to see better.

They see beams shooting from the sky, they fly faster.

They eventually make it, they see Max, Echo and Stuart struggling.

"Looks like I can't do anything anymore" The entity says.

"NOT SO FAST!" James yells.

The entity looks behind it, to see James and Toasty standing there.

"I am James! the warrior of art and in the name of the stones, I'll punish you!" James yells.

James and Toasty hold hands and they create a huge energy ball, which they throw at the entity, which weakens it but not by much.

Max, Echo and Stuart help James and Toasty.

They kick and punch the entity.

Stuart makes a hammer out of slime and hits the entity with it.

Echo makes a computer and explodes when it is thrown at the entity.

The entity is weakened but it looks at Toasty.

"What even are you anymore?" The entity asks Toasty.

"I'm Toasty! the warrior of Purity!" Toasty yells at the entity as they create hearts which burn the entity.

James makes a wrecking ball, which knocks the entity over.

Max uses water to make the ice melt, which makes the entity cough for a while as it splashes into its body.

The 5 combine their strength to kick the entity, which makes more ice fall onto the entity.

Toasty feels something warm, the purity stone gives Toasty a wand just like the others.

Now that Toasty has a wand, the 5 put their wands together.

"Warrior Charge! Power On Deluxe!" The 5 yell.

The entity gets hit by a massive energy explosion, which destroys the entity.

After everything is done, the 5 celebrate.

Toasty looks at the others.

"I'm sorry for causing so much pain, I shouldn't have listened to it" Toasty apologises.

"It's okay, you weren't yourself, and now that you're a warrior just like us and helped us, it's safe to say you are special" Max says.

Toasty smiles at what Max said.

The 5 smile as Toasty and James hug.

"I miss doing this" Toasty says.

"Same here" James says.

The 5 detransform.

"Welcome back pal" Stuart says.

Toasty smiles, it was great to have control over themselves again.

The 5 leave the mountains, James gives Toasty some spare jackets, scarfs and hats so that Toasty isn't freezing.

"We won, I'm proud of us" James says.

They return to James' house, Toasty missed the place.

It was now time to look forward to the future.

Weeks went by and everything was going back to normal.

Toasty returned to school and Toasty's classmates all welcomed them back.

No signs of corruption were anywhere, instead they only transformed to stop criminals.

1 year later...

James and Max were running, they find the spot and they run towards it.

Toasty, Echo and Stuart were waiting for the 2 to arrive.

"You're finally here! now we can stop this crime!" Toasty says.

The 5 pull out their stones.

"Warrior Charge! Activate!" The 5 yell.

They fly towards where the crime was, now protecting the town as it's warriors.

The future ahead was bright and everyone looked forward to it.


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