Stuck in a Corrupted World?!

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James was drawing the gang including Toasty in a field of flowers.

"I miss you everyday" James says about Toasty to himself.

James sighs and closes his notebook, preparing for bed.

He brushes his teeth and goes to bed.

James is suddenly in a blank room, he looks confused.

" this a dream?" James asks.

"Maybe, Maybe not, either way I need to speak to you right now!" Toasty says, appearing in front of James as the room darkens.

"T-Toasty?!" James says in shock.

"Yep! Since you are asleep I can talk to you alone" Toasty says.

James is both shocked and relieved, though Toasty is unfortunately still corrupted but at least they are here right now.

"I'm glad you are here, we may be on opposite sides's nice to see you again" James says with a smile.

"I would be glad but you are very cruel James, I still have to teach you a lesson!" Toasty says.

"H-Huh?" James says in confusion.

"Don't forget that you replaced me, I capture Max as well and then the 3 of us can be together forever!" Toasty says while grinning.

"Why are you doing this? I just wish to understand, you're my bestie after all" James says.

Toasty laughs manically.

"Well, I was alone after you became a warrior, I was tired of worrying, I WAS TIRED OF BEING LEFT OUT! but this stone offered me a chance to be...something" Toasty explains.

"Toasty..." James says.

Toasty frowns, they will destroy Echo and Stuart no matter what.

"I'll destroy those 2 James, don't worry" Toasty says.

"Don't! please! stop doing this!" James yells.

"Sorry James but I won't let you win this battle" Toasty says.

"What are you doing?" James asks.

"I'll trap you here, and wait for the rest to show up so I can capture Max!" Toasty says with a grin.

James tries to wake up but he realises that he can't.

"What did you do to me?!" James asks Toasty.

"I made sure you stay with me" Toasty says to James.

James is horrified.

Meanwhile Max, Echo and Stuart wake up in front of a field of flowers.

"What's going on?" Echo asks.

"Hello!" Toasty teleports in front of them.

"Toasty!" The 3 yell.

"Hehehe, so I got bored, so I'll just play a game with you, if you lose you'll never wake up!" Toasty explains.

"Toasty, please come back to us" Echo says.

Toasty looks angry.


"Uh...guys, we should run" Stuart says.

"You can try...I won't let you win though" Toasty says as the 3 begin running.

"Toasty's corruption is getting worse!" Max yells.

"We need to save James and find a way to turn Toasty back to normal without hurting them" Stuart says.

The 3 run into a puzzle.

"I don't know any of the questions!" Echo yells.

"Toasty studies this a lot, of course they would do this" Max explains.

Meanwhile James stares at the 3.

"Please let me go, I know you have good inside your heart!" James yells.

"Sorry James, but the goodness is gone, replaced by a taste for revenge after what you did" Toasty says.

"Toasty, I know you are better than this!" James says while frowning.

Toasty stares at everyone and back at James, conflicted.

Stuart and Echo research the questions, luckily they find the answers.

"We can do this!" Stuart yells.

They jump on Mushrooms to teleport to their next area.

Stuart decides to go a different path.

"We can meet later, stay safe!" Stuart yells as he slides down the path he chose.

Stuart walks around and sees Toasty waiting for him.

"Uh oh, you went through the wrong path" Toasty says while giggling.

Toasty's hand gets ready to launch a dark beam.

"You have to fight me in order to escape!" Toasty explains.

"No, I won't" Stuart says.

"Huh? Why not?" Toasty asks.

"The reason I became a warrior was because of you, you were the reason, thank you Toasty" Stuart explains.

"Huh..." Toasty says, their eyes turning black again for a second before their eyes revert back to red as they scream.

"Toasty?!" Stuart asks in concern.

"Just...get James and leave me alone!" Toasty says as they teleport Stuart to James.

"Stuart!" James yells and hugs Stuart.

"Don't worry, Max and Echo will be here soon" Stuart says.

Max and Echo rush towards the 2.

"James!" The 2 yell as they join the hug.

The 4 smile, and then James wakes up.

"That dream was weird" James says.

Toasty is sitting on a tree again.

"You almost got fooled, be careful next time" The stone says to Toasty.

Toasty doesn't speak but just nods.

"I'll just send another corrupted monster tomorrow, I'm exhausted from this" Toasty says as they teleport away.

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