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The next morning, she woke up early to a burning sensation on her left arm. She resisted the urge to scratch at it and only then did she realize how stupid her actions were from last night.

But it felt so right in the moment.

Tikki was still asleep on the phone so she used this time to go to the bathroom and fix the bandages. Looking ar her scarred arm, she softly smiled. For some reason those cuts just made her feel so calm, and she wanted to cut more. But she decided against it as she wrapped them in clean bandaging and started putting make up on her eye bags.

Sometimes, she wanted to leave the eyebags. She wanted everyone to see that she was the victim but she knew Lila would find a way to use it for her advantage. And she didn't want to give Lila the satisfaction of knowing and seeing how much she affects her. So she covered up. When she came out of the bathroom Tikki was awake and full of energy, unaware of the events of last night.

"Good morning Marinette, today's Friday! Lets make today a good day!" To this Marinette only smiled, but that was wiped off her face when she heard a distant explosion. Tikki grinned sheepishly as another explosion went off nearby.

"I guess Hawkmoth had the same idea," she joked, sliding on her shoes and she finished getting ready, "Tikki, Spots On!"


The battle, if you could call it that, ended rather quickly. Some old woman had gotten upset that a young girl with long brown hair had cut her off in front of a bus line, taking the last seat and making her wait.

Ladybug could only take a wild guess at who might have done that.

"Kids these days have no respect for the elderly! My husband just recently passed away and I was on my way to visit him at the graveyard. I know I should have kept my composure but.. I'm sorry Ladybug."

Hearing this, Ladybug's heart filled with sympathy and her eyes shone with unspilled tears. "You shouldn't apologize for your feelings ma'am. I personally don't have a lover, but I can't imagine losing your partner. I'm sorry that had to happen to you." Ladybug looked around and leapt across the street, seeing a flower vendor. She bought a small bouquet and zipped back to the sweet lady, offering them to her.

"A sweet young lady without a lover? I'm sure you've got men lining up at your doorstep! Thank you sweetheart" The old lady said, accepting the flowers. "I'm sure my husband would have loved to have a daughter like you, we always wanted to have kids but I couldn't.." She trailed off. Ladybug guessed what she meant and gave her a nod.

"I'm sure you would have made a wonderful mother. Is there anything else I can help you with miss.."

"Ah, where are my manners? My name's Melinda, and you've done more than enough. Thank you for your kindness and for listening to an old bat like me." She smiled bashfully, and held her flowers closer to her chest.

"You aren't an old bat, miss Melinda, and I'm glad I could help. I better get going, but you have a wonderful day" She smiled back at the old woman before throwing her yoyo. Before she jumped, the old lady laughed.

"I'm sure love is in your future, and much closer than you think. Goodbye ladybug!"


Marinette had made it to the school with seconds to spare.

Build God, Then We'll Talk; a felinette storyWhere stories live. Discover now