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Marinette felt like she was on cloud 9. Finally, someone else can see. Someone believed her about Lila. She has someone to talk to about Lila;s lies. Of course, she won't tell him about the extent of the bullying. Not yet at least. Not until they were close friends. Were they friends?

She didn't know how to feel about Felix at first but knowing that he could see through Lila made her opinion of him shoot up sky high. The teacher finally came into class and the day went on quietly. Lunch had just started and students pushed and shoved to get out of the classroom. In the hall, she had her eyes locked on Felix, and just as he made eye contact with her she felt her arm get yanked to the side.

Panic immediately took over her as she thought it was Lila but once she turned around, she was shocked to see it was Adrien. Ignoring the throbbing in her arm, which was now abused for the third time by three different people, and became self conscious. Even though her crush has weakened over time, he was still the only hyperfixation she has. But it always had less of a hold on her each time she saw him, now especially.

"Adrien! W-what are you doing?"

"I saw what Lila did last week." He got straight to the point.

Her heart stuttered as her face paled.

"O-oh. Did you now?" Her arms went to hold themselves.

"Yeah, why didn't you tell anyone that she's doing that to you?"

Suddenly, Marinette became angry at that comment.

"I, I did. I have. Multiple times. No one listens or believes me."

"I believe you."

Her heart skipped another beat. Two people on her side? And Adrien was one of them? She wasn't sure how much better things could be.

"Y-you do?" Her eyes held hope.

"Yeah, thats why you need to play along with Lila."


"Wait, what?" perhaps her ears were playing tricks on her.

He looked confused as to why she wouldn't get it. "You need to let Lila win, just for a little bit. We can talk to her together and ask her to stop lying but in front of the class, you need to play along. Shes not hurting anyone by lying Marinette."

She blinked. Slowly. If you listened closely you could hear the sound of a soft paw smacking his forehead in a shirt pocket.

"I'm sorry. She's not hurting anyone? Didn't you just say you saw what she did yesterday?!"

Adrien began to shush her and her anger only rose higher.

"Yeah, and if you just played along, she wouldn't have done that. You did that to yourself Marinette."

Suddenly, her rose colored glasses broke and her face grew beet red. But not out of shy, embarrassed cutesy nature, but of anger and frustration.

"Are you seriously blaming ME for Lila's actions? What is wrong with you?"

Adrien furrowed his brows. What she once thought was cute was now really pissing Marinette off.

"I'm just saying, if you let her get away with her little lies, shell leave you alone and the class can get along again!" He smiled. He actually smiled while saying that.

It took everything in Marinette not to laugh out loud because WHAT.

"Adrien, I get your okay with being lied too, but shes lying about connections that can 'help them with their futures'," she put in air quotes. "Theyre beginning to slack off in school because they think Lila's lies will carry them where they need to go but newsflash, actions have consequences. I dont like liars. I dont like being lied too. I especially don't like being cornered in school or at my own house and being harassed. I don't like how they treat me and its because of Lilas LIES. I'm at my witts end and your telling me to let it happen? That it'll go away if we play pretend and suck it up!?"

Adrien looked relieved. "Yes. Okay, so you get it!"

"NO! I'm sorry, but I just can't sit by and let that happen. Its not who I am."

He sighed. "Marinette, you're being really difficult right now."

"Oh, I'M the one being difficult? Why dont you have this talk with Lila? Why dont you have HER fix her OWN problems instead of asking me to ignore them?"

"Because, she can turn into an akuma. Dont you remember Volpina?"

"What about me? What if I turn into an akuma?"

He looked confused. "Your our every day ladybug, that cant happen, just, please, suck it up and take the high road, just this once."

Tears threatened to spill and frustration was making it hard to breathe.

"Adrien, I think you should go."

Something about being sent away as his alter ego Chat Noir and now again as his civilian self made him upset, so upset that he didn't register what he was doing.

"Marinette," he growled, grabbing her arm that he knew was hurt for some reason or another.

She yelped and as soon as that happened, Felix came from seemingly out of no where and pushed Adrien away from the girl.

"Thats enough Agreste."

"Felix? How much of that did you hear?"

"Enough. Marinette told you to leave and I think you should listen to her."

"You dont understand-"

"I understand enough. She told you to go. Then you hurt her. I think you should leave, now."

Felix stared Adrien down until he finally left, and Marinette began to cry softly.

Unsure of what to do, he softly pet Marinette's head as he used to with his friend Claude, trying to figure out what to say.

"There..there. My idiot cousin is gone now. Are you.. Alright?" comfort wasn't his strongsuit.

Marinette barely nodded, before her body weight; which wasnt much, went limp against Felix.


He went to push her up until he noticed the liquid splotch on her jacket. He thought it might have been tears, or something, but the color wiped from her black jacket to his white sleeves and he was able to very quickly tell there was blood.

A lot of it.

Not knowing what to do, he gently picked her up bridal style and began to head to the nurses office he saw on his way to class. Since everyone was eating lunch no one saw the mess that was Marinette Dupain Cheng.

All i wanted was to spy on my air headed cousin, why did it have to turn out like this?

The door was open but there was no nurse inside. The blood was starting to drip from her jacket and Felix decided he needed to take matters into his own hands. He unzipped her jacket and began to take it off. She was wearing an interesting shirt, one that he would have had more time to appreciate if it wasn't for the bleeding bandaged arm that was screaming for attention.

He looked around and went to the cupboards, finding alcohol and gauze, and then in another finding a bandage wrap. He began to undo the bandaging on her arm and when the final layer came off, he was shocked to say the least.

Dozens of straight lines were cut into her flesh; some deeper than others. They were obviously self-inflicted. How long had this treatment from her peers went on for her to resort to this?

He sighed and decided it wasn't his place to say anything, having barely known the girl. What he did do was clean the wound, to which she winced but did not wake up from her fainted state.

Wrapping the wound back up as gently as possible, he decided to clean up the drops of blood leading up to them, leaving her jacket sleeve to soak in the sink and the girl to rest.

The trail extended outside of the office so with another sigh, Felix went to clean up yet another one of his perfect cousins messes. Some things never change.

As soon as he left, though, Marinette awoke from her fainting spell. She had lost too much blood as people kept reopening the wounds. But she was confused as to where she was and how she got there. It wasn't until she noticed her jacket was off, and she had fresh bandaging that she realized.

Someone saw.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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