Happy Birthday Staple Face

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Zeus: So what did you get for your birthday?

Jason: my friends fell into hell

Zeus: oh


real talk Percy SO jumped out of Jason bday cake naked


we all talk about Percy and Frank as a dad, but what about Jason as a dad. just imagine: him and piper would have a little Piper look-alike and all she would have to do was give him the puppy dog face with those big, round, mult-colored eyes and he was done for she would have him wrapped around her little finger


Percy: happy birthday bro

Jason: thanks bro

Percy: sorry bro but I didn't know what to get you

Jason: our bromance is the best gift in the world bro

Percy: bro


Me: excuse me sir, do you have time to talk about our lord and savior Jason Grace?


Jason dances like a white suburban dad at his bday party


I'm so glad Jason is getting so much love from the fandom today

So much love for my stupid dork son


tbh it's not a coincidence that Canadian day and Jason's bday fall on the same day


Leo makes Jason a cloud shaped piñata for his birthday party and when it finally breaks open all the candies are either lightning bolt shaped or butterscotch candy bc 'I dunno man, I just thought you'd like old man candy'


Percy calling Jason "bro" in front of Tyson and Tyson getting all excited and hugging the life out of Jason "Brother!!!"


Pjo pickup lines

Percy: I may not be able so drown in water, but baby, I could drown in your eyes.

Jason: You make my heart soar.

Frank: I'm not just an animal on the battlefield you know.

Leo: Usually, fire can't harm me, but you're too hot, even for me.

Nico: You're drop. Dead. Gorgeous.

Will: Your smile lights up the whole room.

Luke: You stole my heart.



Percy: im GREEK, but for you i can be ROMANtic

Jason: bRO


Happy birthday Jason also 10 YEARS OF PJO

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