The puppet guy

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Jisungs POV:

"H..How... is this possible..."

I stood there in shock, watching the man in front of me dance to the music. I looked deep into his face and couldn't believe who was dancing right in front of me. That deep brown hair. That clear and almost pale skin. The familiar dance moves I know from only one person. But when the person on the stage ended his dance and was standing now in an ending pose, slowly opening his eyes, I gasped for air and I was frozen in my place. That deep brown eyes now looking to the non existing people in front of him.


I said out loud on accident and when I realized it, I already saw the older boy looking in my direction. I jumped back when I saw him looking right into my brown eyes. I saw shock, but also hope rising in his eyes. Without thinking I hide myself behind the wall next to the entrance again.

That was not Minho, right? I'm just going fully crazy now, right? Did I finally went nuts? There is no way that man was THE Lee Minho, who danced with me. The same one who disrespected out of no where, magically?

I checked another glance inside, to where the beautiful brown haired boy was dancing just a few minutes ago. He was now standing near an old music box. I looked closely at him. He looked just like Minho, but there was something different about him. Sure he grew over the past few years, but there is another thing about him. Just like that candle guy, is something inhuman about him. He's close to a puppet. A dancing puppet. I don't know for how long he has been dancing, but he seems to be tired, dancing without a break. Always in the same hours, the same day, the same week. I don't know how that all got explained to me by just looking at him, but it explains that there are more 'people' like the candle guy, and Minho seemed to be one of them.

But before I could continue looking at him he turned around in my direction and walked straight where I was. I was panicking and looked everywhere. Where am I suppose to flee? I can't see shit and outside is also no good option for me. Why is this always happening to me?! The brown haired boy came closer and closer, and I was even more nervous. I shouldn't be this scared of Minho, but he doesn't seem to be the same person anymore, or at least he doesn't look like it.


I heard the voice next to me and I slowly looked at the older person to my left. He was looking at me with big eyes in shock. I also looked at him, concerned what would happen. "So I was really not imagining stuff!" I looked confused to him. "What do you mean? Who are you!" I backed away from the puppet man. "Wait Jisung, don't you remember me? It's me, Minho! Lee Minho! You were training with me, the last time we saw." I heard the older boy try to explain, while looking at me with hope I would remember. "Of course I remember... hyunjin interrupted us and you told me to meet you later near the Cemetery... you confessed your feelings to me there..." I looked down after saying these words as I remembered the scenes again in my head, and the sudden disappearance when I came back. I remembered everything. "So you do! I'm so happy you do!" I heard him getting closer to me and then I felt something wrapping their arms around me. I looked at the person in front of me.

But how is this possible... how is he now standing in front of me. Hugging me so tight, it made me weak. I missed him so much and worried he would be hurt, but still he's standing happily there like nothing happened.

"W..Wait.. but how can you... where even are we? A..And what are you? Are you even the real Minho?" Of that sudden realization I pushed him off and stepped some steps back. "How can I know you're not fake? You don't look human at all. And this place... this stupid place! What the heck is going on?" I buried my head into my hands and struggled to calm down. "Jisung, don't worry, I can explain everything to you, but you need to calm down now." He tried calming me down with his words and came closer to me. "No, don't come closer to me! I wanna go home! I want to be home again, where everyone else is... I want Minho back... the real Minho..." my eyes got teary. I lowered my body a little. This is crazy. Why is this happening to me? I just wanted everyone back and continue everything normally. I want Minho back, and I want him back into our group like he deserves.

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