Blurred memory

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⚠️Trigger warning: Panic attack, self doubt. (Also if you always try to vision the scenes that you read, I'm sorry🥲. They might be too disturbing for some people.)⚠️
Jisungs POV;

"Han Jisungs."
I felt shivers run down my back as he said my name with a serious voice. I've never heard him talk like that. At least not to me...

"That's your name, isn't it? You've trespassed into our royal grounds and made your way into my little brother's sleeping quarters. This means you've been accused of breaking in to the sleeping quarters of the prince, and for your punishment has been execution decided..."

I gasped for air. I looked up again to the man in front of me in shock, not believing what just came out of his mouth. Immediately my head got pushed down by the guard next to me.

This wasn't happening right now right? The gods are just fucking with me right now, right? There is no way I'll die like this? What did I do to be killed so easily by my closest friend. Is it because I didn't do anything to save Minho? Is it because I turned my back on him when I shouldn't have done it? Was this my own fault...

I felt the panic rise in me and the scenarios playing in my head. I flinched out of my thoughts when I heard a voice from a few meters in front of me. It was weird hearing Chans voice again... not like it has been long since the last time I saw him... right? How long have I been here for? It couldn't have been a whole day already right? I didn't even got the chance to check the time. It seemed as if it was night at Minhos castle, but here right now, it was bright light outside, meaning it was the middle of the day. That just confused me even more and I wondered if it already were looking for me in the other universe. Is the time there been different than here? Has it already been years as well there?

"But I think I have different plants for you. Minho protected you, telling my dear delivery boy that he has everything under control and he will deal with you alone." I felt relieve, the weight of maybe dying left my shoulders and I let them relax a little. The other man on the throne watched my every move carefully. I shouldn't be relaxing right now, but I couldn't help it. I couldn't help but always feel save in Chans presence. He's always been there for me and always knew a way of relaxing me in these kind of situations. So I - as stupid as it sounds in this situation - automatically relaxed without thinking more of it.

"I didn't quite get what was so special about you that he would hide you from me. But now, looking at you, I think I get what he means. You're a weird one, and don't seem to get scared of anything. Not even from the lord of this land." I took a glimpse at him. 'Lord of this land'? What does he mean by that? Didn't Minho and Changbin talk about how Minho and Chan are princes? No one said something about king OR LORD.

What do I do now? I just angered 'lord Christoper Bahng Chan, the first' of whatever land he owns. Why didn't Minho say anything to me? How do I talk to a lord? HOW DO YOU TALK TO ANYBODY HERE???????
I took another glimpse up to him, trying to figure out if I was suppose to say anything right now or just shut my mouth and wait till my, oh so pretty Prince Charming 'prince Lee Minho the first.' Come to my rescue and save me from the damn glare of Chan. And not even only his damn glare, the other guards were also glaring at me with weird stares. I felt like a pray, caught up by the wolves waiting for the leader to give the sign to start eating up.

I swallowed hard as I tried to ignore the tense glares that were directed to me. No way I'll wait here till Minho gets here. He might be - literally - a Prince Charming, but that doesn't mean I don't need to defend myself on my own. I cleared my throat and gathered my words in my head, then I spoke up. "I'm sorry for offending you in any way your highness. I didn't mean to trespass onto your property and nor did I wanted to break in to the princes sleeping quarters." -shit I think I used the wrong word...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08 ⏰

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