I don't think this is mine
I'm not meant to be here
Not like this
Not in this
Not this disconnected
I was meant for something else
I can feel it
Something else, right?
This isn't right
Tell me this isn't mine
Its all been a big mistake
I was simply misfiled
Wrong body
Wrong soul
I shouldn't be here
He wouldn't leave me here
I haven't done anything wrong
I'm just not meant to be here
its like breaking out of wrongful imprisonment
I'm not being bad
Please just put me in the right place
The right house
The right town
The right season
Please make it right again
Because this isn't right
This isn't right
Please tell me this isn't right?
I'm sorry if I've scuffed the floors
Please let me go
This isn't right
I know it's not right
I've left pieces of me in everything but this
It can't be right
Can it?
He wouldn't
Would he?
This can't be it
Promise this isn't it?
This isn't right.