Chapter - 17 : Stockholm Syndrome (Part - B)

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Fair warning! This is a heavy chapter. Read at your own risk. Please keep a box of tissues handy.

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Lots of love

Manisha Krishna

In the process of delving deep into Abhimanyu's past trauma, Divyanka also got to know his past with his parents and childhood trauma in the last couple of sessions. That was a key aspect which was tying things together much better than before. But she was still hesitant. 

Divyanka was trying to jot down everything and analyze his mental state during the time between the sessions when she got Abhimanyu's message. His message kind of cemented her beliefs and gave her the feeling that she was on the right path. 

But she needed some crucial data and a lot of assurance from his trusted mates to go ahead with it. She didn't want to confuse Abhimanyu with her theories. Using medical jargon to complicate things was so not her. 

Divyanka actually wanted to help Abhimanyu trace it out himself. He is a smart man. He is a Doctor. Knows a lot of stuff already and she was sure that he was doing his own research on the side because he was that desperate to make this therapy or the process work. 

According to Divyanka, all Abhimanyu would need to figure this out on his own, is a direction and the right motivation. She was confident that he will eventually find out by himself without her help, but she can always help him get there faster. That was the whole point of having her in the picture. Wasn't it?

Once Abhimanyu comes to the conclusion on his own, it will be able to handle it better. The man survived so many traumas on his own and she was sure that he would come out a stronger person, all over again, once he realized the root cause. 

But all this can only happen when Rohan and Neil trusted her enough to share such personal details behind Abhimanyu's back even if the intentions are right. Surprise would be an understatement to describe her expression when Rohan agreed at once. 

In fact, Rohan took it on himself to get Neil along, saving her the trouble of speaking and convincing Neil Birla. She thanked her stars for being kind to her. That aside, she really hoped and prayed that the boys have it in them to deal with everything she was going to disclose, CALMLY. That was the risk she was willing to take for her client's betterment. 

In Neil's Cabin, Birla Constructions:

They were all settled down to have the chat in Neil's cabin. Rohan and Neil sat across her in chairs while she took the couch. They tried their best to mask their impatience, but their body language gave it away. 

Divyanka was an excellent reader of body language. It was a professional hazard and that impatience didn't escape her eyes either. So, she decided to cut the chase and get straight to the point. Divyanka took a deep breath and started talking. 

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