That Golden Sunbird

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Rico POV
"What are you doing here?" I scowled. The rain was blurring my vision, yet the one I hated so much was still prominent in view.

"I..." Piper faltered, seemingly unsure of what to say.

As I stared into her eyes, I felt some of my old feelings rushing back. Looks like I hadn't fully gotten over her. I sighed and looked up into the clouds, spotting a small figure high above. The golden sunbird, I realised. It had been there for my friends at their best moments, when their life had changed greatly.

So maybe it would work for me too. Maybe I would finally get better, by freeing myself from Piper's clutches once and for all. So I decided to take this as destiny, as fate, finishing for her, "I told you we wouldn't stay friends, didn't I? Well, I'm going to keep to that deal."

I stalked off through the rain, my anger clouding my heart. Suddenly, Piper spoke up, "Rico, wait!"

"What?" I snapped, glaring at her as I turned my head in frustration. Piper looked slightly hurt as she opened her mouth, forming dozens of different words before she finally whispered, "Nothing."

So I stormed through the rainy haze, hoping my own curse had been broken. That my destiny was lying ahead, waiting for me.

Piper POV
As I watched Rico storm away, I felt my heart smash into a million smithereens. I collapsed on a nearby bench, my umbrella slipping from my hand as I sat there and sobbed in grief. Maybe I had made the wrong choice after all. Maybe I shouldn't have left Byron.

Maybe I should have taken Rico in the first place. Maybe I wouldn't be stuck in this mess then.

As I turned my eyes to the cloudy sky, hoping its darkness had an answer, I spotted a golden sunbird. And my mind instantly connected it to the same one I had seen on the day my parents died in a tsunami.

Looks like it was the center of my bad luck. So I wished with all of my heart for it to go away, and let a better destiny come to me. As fast as it could.

Before I finally snapped.

Before I gave up.

Before I jumped into the sea of regret and never emerged again.

Rico x Piper : Under The RainWhere stories live. Discover now