Not Again, Please

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Rico POV
"No," I cried out as I collapsed in the dim alleyway behind Piper's shop. "Why did I do that again? Why did I reject her? I could have gotten everything I wanted!"

As I sat there and moped under the rain, once again in solitude, I felt myself plunging into the depths of regret and loneliness. "No, not, again." I whimpered.

I had spent so long getting over her, after she broke me into shreds of emptiness. If I took the jump again, I would fall again. And 8-But was right—I had smashed myself twice, and it was still easy to see where I fit back together. But if I did it the third time?

Maybe...the pieces would be too small for me to fit back together, ever again. Or maybe I would just break, once and for all, for the very last time. And there would be nothing to put together, and I would be lost and broken just like the old Gus. Except I had no key.

Why should I keep trying? She had proven to be my ultimate nightmare, leaving me hurt and upset at every turn. All my love for her brought was depression, anger, sadness, disappointment. So maybe it was time I gave up. Forever, before I lost myself in the chaos of reality.

It was time I found someone else for me. She wouldn't be the perfect one. Glancing upwards, I saw it. My guardian angel. The golden sunbird still circled overhead, seemingly watching me every second. So I took it as a sign. My fate. My destiny.

And I resigned myself to nothing as I stared into the sky, letting the pouring rain embrace me. And I begged one last time, to nothing in particular, "Not again. Never again. Please."

Rico x Piper : Under The RainWhere stories live. Discover now