Let Me Be Free

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Piper POV
"Please," I begged to the stupid golden phoenix-sunbird high above. "Why are you still here? What do you want from me? Can you just let me win in life? Let me have someone that treasures me as much as I treasure them? Please? Just someone who can save me from my fate and fear?"

"Please, just let me be free," I pleaded. "It's all I want."

As it continued to watch me from overhead, I yelled, "Freedom! Is that so much to ask? I'm not even asking for my parents' return. Or for a second chance with Rico! Please! Let me live my own life, and find my own destiny!"

But talking to a bird was just as pointless as the bird itself in the first place. So I lay on the bench, crying my heart out. For all that I had lost. Mom. Dad. Byron.


"Piper?" A gasp rang from behind me.

I quickly dried my tears and turned around, flinching when I saw Max.

"Hey, Max! Haven't...Haven't seen you around in a while!" I said casually.

"Piper? Is something wrong?" Max asked in concern.

"Um, no, no, everything's fine!" I denied desperately.

Max pointed to the dark rims around my eyes, as well as my red eyes. "Don't lie, Piper, I can tell that something happened."

I sighed for a while before I finally confessed, "Well, I...I...broke up with Byron for Rico, but then Rico doesn't want me too because I broke his heart...and...it's like everything has gone wrong and...I just think I made the wrong choice."

"Piper, your decisions are part of your destiny," Max said after a while. "No matter what, someday you will find your true love. See that golden sunbird up there? It was there for me, 8-Bit, Gus and Bonnie on the day that we finally confessed to each other. So take this as a sign. Maybe you won't find whoever it is you love today. But this is only just the beginning of your future, of your destiny."

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