Under The Rain, One Last Time

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Piper POV
I tried to believe in what she had said, wiping my eyes dry again as I said, "Thanks Max. You're a good friend. And I need to go tend to the bakery again."

So Max waved goodbye as I headed back to my shop, deciding it was time to take the trash out. And as I headed out the back exit, tossing the trash into the dustbin, I lifted my umbrella to shield myself from the pouring rain.

Then, I suddenly spotted a figure collapsed in the shadows. I gasped in fear and leaped backwards, shining a torch at the dark area. Shocked to recognise the person, I shook him and asked, "Rico? What are you doing here?"

Rico woke up with a startled grunt, taking a moment to register my face before he shoved away from me, countering, "What are you doing here?"

"You're in my shop's back alley," I informed him, pulling him up.

Rico huffed and stalked off angrily, the rain cascading all around him.

"Rico, wait!" I called softly. He wheeled around yet again, a scowl haunting his beautiful face as he glared at me, waiting for my answer.

It's now or never, I told myself. This was my last chance. So I plucked up my courage and stared him straight in the eye, telling myself to be brave enough. So I tilted my umbrella upwards to make sure he saw the regret etched in my face.

"Rico, I'm sorry if I broke your heart all those nights ago. The truth is, back then, I hadn't seen what was right in front of me, and I was so oblivious towards my feelings. But now, I can see the diamonds in the sky as clear as the day, just like the golden sunbird through the pouring rain. Now, I see you differently—but you do too. Except...you're angry at me now. And I wish I could change that. But I just want you to know, you are who I love the most. I even left Byron for you. And now you don't want me...it really hurts."

"Wait...you left Byron for me?" Rico murmured, confused and shocked.

"Yes," I said silently. "I did. And I know you're angry, but...I hope we can still at least save our friendship."

Rico was silent as I moved away, taking my umbrella with me. But as I heard Rico get up, my instincts took over. And I turned back, lifting my umbrella over his head, and staring deep into his eyes. Rico looked confused at first, but his eyes softened as he whispered, "Piper."

"Yes?" My hope grew by inches as the rain thundered around us, making it feel like we were the only ones on earth, that time had stopped just for us. And as my eyes sparkled, mirroring Rico's, he said nothing. Instead, he closed his eyes and placed his lips against mine, and my umbrella slipped from my hand, thudding against the rocky floor. And as we kissed passionately, the rain trickling down our back and falling all around us, I realised that the rain, and the golden sunbird signified something.

That this first kiss was our destiny, to seal our love.

Our fate.

Our future.

Our destiny.

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