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"H-Hanni" I shattered seeing her dark aura.She just stood their staring at me.She is not wearing her coat only shirt with top 2 buttons open,hairs all perfectly messy.To sum in one word 'hot as fuck' What are you even thinking Minji snap out.

She walked towards me with dark eyes.While I was unable to move as my desk was just behind me.She just stood in front of me,just inches apart.I just stared at her,she just moved more closer,keeping her hands on desk behind me.Trapping me in between them.
Why is she smelling differently???

She is drunk!!

I could Smell her addictive smell mix with alcohol smell.I gulped when she lean towards my face.

"Han-ni y-ou are d-runk"I managed to say those words while my heart is pounding like crazy...

"I was waiting for you"She said in very raispy voice looking down.

"Why??"I slowly asked her whitout making any move.Hearing this she again lifter her head to see me.

"I was worried,you were out for whole day.she pouted.

Please not that pout.She is looking external cute with that.Not now..!!
"But why were you not picking up the call"Her expression changed from cute to serious.Again I gulped seeing this.I slid my hands down to pick up my phone to only see 50 missed calls and 10+ messages.

Why the fuck my phone was on silent?!!?!?I didnt dare to look up at her.But then her fingers slide under my chin to lift my head up making eye contact.

"Now say"She said.
"It was on silent-"I replied slowly while she nod.
"Why are you drunk?"I asked looking at her.

"I was waiting for you,then I just-"she stopped.She removed her hands from the table and pulled me closer by my waist hugging me tightly in her arms.She buried her face in the crook of my neck,comfortably closing her eyes.
While I am in state of shock by our current position.We are not even inch apart.I have hugged her before but this time it's different.I could feel her nose and lips on my neck.Her jot breath hitting me closely,giving me ticklish feeling,shivers ran down my spine and my heart its going to explode...

I gently place my one hand on her back while she again pulled me closer tightening her grip around my waist.

"You smell so good"she mumbled against my neck.I am feeling so hot right now.I have never felt this so I don't know how to respond.I don't want to push her.I feel warm and good around her.

She then removed her face from my neck and again stared at me.I just silently looked at her.I don't know what she was thinking,what she is doing to me right now.Of course its effect of alcohol.Her eyes looked at my bun,my bare shoulders and neck.

Then I remember'Irresistible' ahh why did I tied my hairs??!.
She lightly carresed my hairs while looking at me.
"I told you,that you are irresistible"she mumbled but enough for me to hear.
"A-Actually I didn't know that you would be here"I replied.She smiled lightly.

She started to close the distance between us.Bringing her face closer to me,her hands found my waist again.Pulling me towards her.

Is she going to kiss me??!My first kiss!!!Hanni Pham???

I closed my eyes tightly,waiting for the impact but it never came.I could hear her giggling so I quickly opened my eyes.She was still leaning towards me.

"I am not a bitch,I will wait for you"She smiled.I took a deep sigh,slightly feeling sad..

She pulled me towards the couch with her.While she sat next to me putting her head on my lap.It was quick I don't know how to react.She closed her eyes while I silently admired her beauty.

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