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Its been 2 week already after I got drunk and top of that I can't remember whatever happened that day.

Do I have Amnesia?

I could only remember some words,but that's not clear and whole that words belong to even.As of Minji,she is strange lately.She always zone out,she can't even look at me,always blushing,either her ears turn red or cheeks whenever I talk sweetly to her.

And after all this I came to conclusion that I surely blabbered something that day.I don't know what but seeing Minji's behavior and I can sense it.She is not even telling me,I tried hard but she won't say anything.

I was about to give up today,but then something unexpected happened.Kazhua called me and told me to meet me at a near by cafe.I don't know what she wants to say and I feel jealous whenever I see her,she always talks cheesy with Minji and I don't like it,but I can't do anything...
She is not mine to claim.

Right now I am heading towards the cafe to meet Kazhua.

As I got in I roam my ryes looking for Her.Their I saw a woman waving her hands with a smile on her face.

I don't want to admit but she is really beautiful!!!

I walked towards her,she stood up and forward her hand to me which I gladly accepted.I smiled even though deep inside I am jealous of her.

We both sat down and she started first.
"I know you don't like me much"she chuckled.My eyes grew bigger.How did she know this,Am I that obvious??

"No,no its not like that"I replied.
"Hanni I know how it feels when you like someone and she is going to marry some other woman"she smiled.

OK so I am really obvious!!

"Its not that"I rubbed my nap.
"You don't need to be jealous of me"she smiled.
"Huh?"I raised my eyebrow.
"Me and Minji are not going to marry"she said.And that very point I want to just on the table and dance like crazy,the happiness I felt after she said that,I can't even explain.But I controlled myself.

"But-"I was about to tell when she cut me off.
"We both see each other as friends and we want that only"she said.
"Really!!!"I smiled happily.
"Do you want to have another shock?"She asked.
"What??"I asked in contusion.

"I know who you actually are and what you are"the moment she blurt out,I  froze at my spot.My eyes grew wider and I just stared at her.I couldn't even utter a single word after that a smirk flashed on her face.

"Hanni Pha-or should I say,don't worry I am not going to expose you"she smiled.That eased a little of my tension but I am confused.
"Wh-y?"I managed to say.

She just smile at me.
"Because I got all the information about you,sorry but I investigated you and knowing you I don't think you have any bad intension of coming here"she add.
'I don't know why you came and what do you want from Minji but you should know If you hurt my friend,I am not going to let you live"this time her voice was scary.

Hearing this I flashed my bunny smile and tapped her hand.
"I would never and thank you for not asking the reason.Right now I don't want to tell this to anyone.First I want Minji to know the truth but I am sacred"I replied sincerely.
"Yeah she should know"she said.

"But how do you know,who I am?"I asked.
"To be honest I am not the only one who knows who you are,their is another person too"she said and again my eyes goes wide.

One more person know me?who the hell....what if he/she will expose me??!!

"Don't worry,that person will not expose you,I won't tell you the person' s identity,you will eventually know"she said.I just nod.We just kept silence for couple of minutes,my mind was busy thinking about the person who also know the truth.

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