chapter 16 , alien...

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Kai's pov .

I looked at Anthony with wide eyes . What....not a cyber wears . But it looks like a sandivestand . It does look like a cyberwear .

I looked at him for answers " I both have questions....especially you Kai " Anthony said as he looked at me .

" Say it....what is it ?"

Anthony began to explain . " something other than a is far beyond the concept of a cyberwear . It is far beyond " Anthony said . He was making me curious . Making kinda afraid . What the fuck is this actually .

" This is a tech made and developed by the militech . Used alien tissue to make this piece of demon " alien tissue ...are you fucking . But wait arm was also made from the alien tissue . So why it is so different .

" The biotech arm is also made from alien tissue ? Then how come it is any special ?" Jack now asked a good question on behalf of me .

" You don't get it do you ? The tissue it was used....was from no ordinary alien....and if I tell won't believe me either " Anthony said .

He was now scaring me . Alien tissue but no ordinary . It means it can also take over once soul if wants to...but I cannot confirm it right now . I need more info " just tell us....right now " I demanded . If I am going to chip this thing...then I am not going to run back with ties on my tail . No. No hell na .

" You really wanna do ?" Anthony asked me . I nodded my head .

" The tissue....that was used to built this from the demons of hell "

Hearing this my bones froze . The demons....from hell....the same demons that attacked remnants 50 years ago . Those demons .

" are kidding right ?" Jack asked " there is no way that militech will still be able to access hell after this . Not even arasaka can do this !?" Jack asked a serious question . If militech can access hell that it would 50 years all over again . And it would be a disaster .

" was mars....the only planet where the demonic energy is still up for and it can only be found there and no other place " Anthony finished . He left us with silence .

The room was dead silence as I was processing the thing " if anyone.....who over uses this...they will eventually die in the most miserable death possible " Anthony said .

" What dose this thing do ?" I asked . Anthony looked at me as he sighs .

" This can stop time....just like the sandivestand has more to it " he said .

It caught my interest. So the relic not only can...stop the time but also can do other stuffs . Seems interesting,

Anthony noticed my curiosity. He began to explain what the relic can do " it can portals , take souls and manipulate it , control the time and space , that's ....those are only the few abilities of this tech . There more to this machine.....Kai.,.I know what you are thinking....and I am saying no....I won't " I looked at him with a confused look ..he knew my intentions of chipping the relic . How. 

" I know your going to chip this . But I won't let you . It is to dangerous. And from your look of your arms you already have mantis blades " he noticed the mantis blades .

I frown " and if you chip this....I don't know what will happen to I am saying no...don't yoj dare " anthony said to be as i looked at him .

He was right . This sounded dangerous ...but how dangerous can it truly be . Will it worth of my time....or just another cyberwear .

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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