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The day went by pretty smoothly, apart from the fact that Cameron wouldn't even look at me since the whole "Caf incident". It's time to head home and he's still ignoring me.

"Cam, come on. I've said sorry like a gazillion times already, I just got lost in the moment." I try to apologize again, running after him as he walks to his car. Curse his long legs and my short ones. I try to get his attention but he still ignores me and when I try to grab him he pulls away . That's when I feel it, the sting in my eyes and the heating of my face that indicates I'm about to cry.

"Cam?" I stop in my tracks as a little sob escapes me. I may act all tough most of the time but I don't want my best friend getting mad at me, he might wake up and decide he doesn't want me anymore and leave. He immediately turns and engulfs me in a hug.

"I'm so sorry Cam, I didn't mean to... I just got over excited because I know how much you've wanted this, and I acted on adrenal..." I rant off.

He cuts off my blabbering by squeezing me to him before landing a kiss on my forehead, I make a disgusted face after remembering what he did today and I think he also remembers because he smiles down at me.

That's right, I'm five foot three, while he is over five foot nine. You can just imagine how tiny I look with him hugging me right now.

"I'm not mad about you breaking the kiss." He says smiling at me, and then turns serious. "But, I am extremely mad that you almost killed us three with that little stunt of yours." He finishes looking down at me.

"So you're really not mad?" I ask sniffing and trying to give my best puppy dog eyes, simultaneously overlooking his exaggeration, which makes him chuckle.

"Of course not Damon. Now please stop whatever sorcery you're doing with your eyes." He gives me one last squeeze before releasing me so I can use the sleeve of my hoodie to wipe off my tears. He opens the passenger seat for me to get in.

Once I'm comfortably seated and buckled in, I look up only to be met with those emerald green eyes. He's looking right at me with furrowed brows, but then he diverts his gaze at something else before walking away with balled fists.

Well, that wasn't awkward.


As soon as I'm through the front door, I'm being tackled to the ground by none other than my big brother. He really needs to stop doing this.

I sigh exasperatedly, "Can you please get your fat ass the fuck off of me before you break me." He feigns hurt by placing a hand on his chest and melodramatically gasping, while the other hand still holds both my hands over my head.

"I can! But I won't!!" He says with a shit eating grin. Then he starts leaning in.

I know where this is going, but every time I can't help how my heart picks up. So I start struggling against his grip.

"Liam!! Liam!! Please don't do this!!!" Damn, I'm on the verge of crying for the second time today, I should yell HELP.

"No! No! Noooooooo!!!" I scream out, wiggling my body in an attempt to get free of his grip.

And then BOOM, just like that he opens his big mouth and breathes down on my nose. Such a pig. Who in their right mind eats raw onions?

This asshole, that's who.

The smell hits me in waves, then he pulls back to watch me squirm in his hold as I tear up from the smell. He's going to get what's coming to him when he least expects it.

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