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I'm running after Cam and the next thing I know I knock into a wall. Nope, it's a person. I send us flying and brace myself for the pain I know will come, but the person's hands go around me like a shield land it never comes.

Why isn't there any pain? Did I die?? No, that's just being dramatic. Maybe I'm in a coma....

But before I can keep dwelling on my thoughts I hear a grunt and feel the person's hot breath fanning across my face. I slowly open one eye to peek and I'm looking into heterochromic eyes.

Oh gosh, I crashed into Mr. Black and he's hugging me!! Hugging me?? I put my palms on his toned chest and try to push myself off of him but he only tightens his hold on me, my breath hitches and starts coming out labored due to our close proximity.

"Are you okay? Hurt?" He asks in a husky but concerned voice. Unable to form words I vigorously nod to his question as my face chooses this exact moment to heat up, he keeps his hold on me and we just stare at each other until he suddenly lets go like he just got burned.

I quickly shuffle to my feet and dust myself off, I hear him get up as well but before I can apologize for nearly giving him a concussion and landing us both in a hospital he's already moving again. So I run after him, or whatever you want to call what I'm doing.

"Uh, Mr. Black." He keeps walking with me behind "I'm really sorry for that, uh, Cameron ran off with my phone so I was just trying to catch up to..." He stops, almost sending me crashing into his back.

"It's no problem Miss Damon. But next time you and your boyfriend might want to be more careful." He says like a father scolding his misbehaving kid. I almost cower, then his words registered. Boyfriend?? Who??? Cameron?? My Cameron??

I burst out laughing so hard I begin snorting and tears spring to my eyes. I'm laughing so hard I have to put my hand on his chest, yet again to stabilize my legs from giving out on me. Damn is this how shit can get funny? No wonder Cameron is always bursting into fits of laughter.

He just stands there staring at me in confusion and another unrecognizable expression on his handsome face. I can't breathe so I use my hand to fan my flushed face before answering.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to laugh but that was the funniest shit I've ever heard!!" I laugh again. "Cam is—". But I don't get to finish my statement when we hear consistent honking from outside. No doubt it's Cameron.

He averts his gaze from me and clears his throat, "See you next class Miss Damon." He says in a harsh tone. I stand staring at him for a second, why is he mad?? Is he jealous? Of Cameron? I don't think so!! Just then I realize my palm is still on his chest so I withdraw it with a nervous chuckle.

"Hehehe—uh—I'll be on my way. Again—umm— I'm truly sorry for—uh—bumping into you." I use my index finger to scratch my scalp, a nervous habit of mine. I turn around to leave yelling over my shoulder, "Goodbye Mister Black."

I walk out of there and find Cam leaning against his car and confidently tapping away on my phone, I snatch it and get into the passengers seat of his car. He stands there looking at me with a pout and I can't help but smirk.


A/N: I just got my first ever comment yesterday while I was asleep but I saw it today. Today is a good day; got a new phone, class got canceled, had no unwanted visitors, had a comment about my book. Life is looking up🥹🥹🥹🥹

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