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I'm at The Caf with Cam when that manwhore; Bryan walks over to us, I look towards Cameron and roll my eyes but keep on eating.

"Hey there baby girl." He says, taking a seat next to me and drapes a hand over my shoulder then swivels his head in my direction to give me what I think he presumes is a seductive smirk.

I continue munching on my burger not sparing him another glance and neither does Cam. He huffs and pulls my plate away from me, bad idea dude. I slowly lift my eyes to his and he's grinning until he's met with my cold hard glare.

His grin fades, "Come on baby girl, why do you always have to be this way?" He asks as his brows come together and he pouts. I just continue staring at him until he starts shifting uncomfortably.

I close my eyes and breathe out a frustrated breath of air, then count to three and reopen them. I'm calmer now—emotionless even, when I get up from my seat and stare down at him. "Bryan??" I slowly call out his name and he flinches. Good.

He clears his throat and straightens his spine trying to look braver, "Baby gir—!" I bang my fist on the table to get him to shut up.

"How many gawd damn times have I told you to keep your bitch ass far away from me? Meaning don't talk to me, don't smile at me, don't look at me, don't address me as 'baby girl', don't even fucking breathe next to me or you might not like the results." I say all this in a calm voice and then grab my bag to leave. I turn to Cam who's as usual trying to hide his grin, I smile at him.

"See you outside okay." He nods and I turn to leave, leaving behind all the stares I can feel people burning into my back. Might as well go home since my day has been ruined, I'll take the notes from a mate.

I leave the little cafe that's located behind the campus and decide to walk through the school halls to get to the parking lot as it's faster. I'm grumbling on my way to the lot so I don't bother looking to see who's approaching;

"The fuck does that fucker think he is? Little piece of shit. Guh, I just want to wring his neck and-,"  The rest of my words die in my throat when I collide with someone, and being in the bad mood I am now that only worsens things.

"Oh brother! What is up with people trying to get on my damn nerves today?? First that fuck face and now this!! I'm just gonna go home and slee-," But my angry rambling gets caught off by a deep baritone of laughter, and I'm almost blinded from his beauty when I look up.

Mr. Black.

He stares at me with an amused smile while I stand there gaping at him with a flushed face. I look away and behind me to see Bryan standing there and just like that my mood sours. I give him one last glare before refocusing my attention in front of me to Mr Black who still stands looking at me.

I don't even bother giving him a smile or anything., with the same cold glare I look up at him before sidestepping his tall frame and walking out the school doors. I've had enough for today.

As I bend the corner to exit the campus, Bryan comes out of the doors yelling 'baby girl!' Does this guy not take hints? I whirl around to stare at him and he stops right in front of me, he places his hand on my shoulder.

"Where are you going baby?" He asks with a grin, I try to shrug off his hand but he doesn't let up so I decide to use my words.

"Take your hands off me this second." He just smiles and gives me what he thinks to be a reassuring squeeze before uttering.

"Come on baby girl, let me drop you off." And that's just about when I lost it. I grab onto his hand and angrily pull back his middle finger enough to break it if I want. He hissed and pulls his hand away, but tries to grab me again so I smack him across his face. HARD.

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