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Hello! Do I have a chapter for you!

Let's all get back into the RTK vibes and listen to the Bombay Choir's version of Tere Bina on Youtube? Enjoy!


Running into the tower, alongside Lena, as the sand defence melted away, Suigetsu stopped abruptly at the shocking scene before him. The Kazekage and Ai were clutching onto one another in embrace, forced up against a wall. They were pinned, immobilised by Sasuke's katana that he rested on Ai's shoulder, it's sharp point scraping hungrily against Gaara's neck. The blade had pierced through the porcelain layer of sand that protected the Kazekage's skin. How had they managed to get through the Kazekage's ultimate defence? Perhaps Ai's sealing tag had meddled with its properties? Taking a protective step in front of Lena, Suigetsu put a slender arm up to grasp a hold of his weapon. The steel of his Kubikiribōchō shimmering in the candlelight as the sun dipped below the ocean. The Kazekage recovered first from the surprising encounter.

"Lower your weapon." He growled, but Sasuke was not one to give in first.

"Lower your hands." The Uchiha commanded. Suigetsu's eyes darted between the two men, unsure of what move he should make. After a few moments of begrudged silence, the Hidden Mist ninja heard Ai sigh in exasperation.

"Both of you," the woman ordered, "get away from me." With one last look of loathing at each other, Sasuke lifted up his katana as Gaara removed his hands from Ai's hips. Ai and Gaara looked at one another, she could see so much of him that she had forgotten; how lost he was, how alone and, with a sympathetic look she reached up and ran a finger along the small stream of blood that had seeped from the scratch on his neck where the katana had rested. The girl could feel him shudder under her touch, his eyes were fixed on his face, he barely noticed her reach into the caramel coloured chiffon of her dress to retrieve a scroll. With lighting speed she wiped Gaara's blood across his forehead and place the unravelled scroll on his chest.

With a puff of smoke, the onlookers watched as Gaara was forced onto one knee as Ai's spell took hold. "Ah!" He gasped in surprise, completely unaware and unguarded to anything she might be capable of. Sasuke looked down at him disdainfully, placing his katana back into its sheath beneath his dark cloak.

"What did you do?" Sasuke asked.

"Put a seal on his abilities, it will prevent him from vanishing," Ai replied, watching as Gaara stood on shaking legs. "It also prevents him from leaving the tower." This strange new, or old version of Gaara winced, clenching his fists at the thought that he was so easily overpowered by her. "You're a suna bunshin? (A/N: sand clone)." So the dancing girl had figured it out.


"So let's destroy him!" Suigetsu shouted from behind them.

"No," Sasuke put his hands on his hips, looking lost in deep thought, "Ai was correct to use the seal; if he vanishes all of his memories, all of his knowledge will transfer to the real Gaara. It would give away our position. We have to keep him alive." Ai turned to Sasuke and they exchanged a look; was this a trap? How could they have overpowered the Kazekage so easily?

"That's the Kazekage?" Lena's soft voice interrupted the silence as she watched Gaara, taking in his dark rimmed opal eyes and mess of crimson hair flowing in the sea breeze as he stood to his full height. He had an innocent, almost naive look to him, like a bird too easily trapped. "He's beautiful." She whispered.

"You should see him now." Everyone in the room turned to Suigetsu as he smiled bashfully at his inability to keep his thoughts to himself.

"What do you mean?" Lena asked innocently. "He's a clone, don't they look the same?"

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