Love and War

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What? Why are you all looking at me like that? Oh because I've updated in just one week? I told you we were going to finish it. So let's bloody finish it!

Are any of my original readers out there? I hope you're doing well. I hope you get to finish this with me.

Love & War

Beneath a glimmering sun, in the waves of heat rising up from the sand, Gaara stood before his army, his crimson hair aflame in the Kazekage stood atop a large rock, his soldiers protected from the formation of large boulders and cliffs that stood between them and the enemy. Gaara looked out to the horizon, trying to ignore the tingle in his fingertips as he felt the enemy was close.

Temari stood by his side, her expression grim as she contemplated what they were about to face. They had no idea of Ai's power. And if it was true that she was a goddess incarnate, would they be fighting against the power of a god? What had defined Ai's training? Who had trained her? All questions the blonde kunoichi was too scared to ask herself, too timid to ask her brother. She looked down to glance at the Tsuchikage, a fierce but small older shinobi who was acting as Gaara's second in command. The two kage were discussing their plans on the battlefield.

"If you see Ai, your orders are to capture her alive," Gaara said to the Tsuchikage, his voice was steady and Temari strained her ears in an attempt to hear any trace of fear or trepidation. "Be cautious," Gaara continued, "we do not know the full extent of her powers."

Temari and the Tsuchikage nodded, the older man rubbing his beard in thought. Gaara turned to Temari, his ocean eyes shadowed with worry, the circles around his eyes darker than she had seen them before.

"I suspect she will rely on long-distance attacks," he mused. "She will want to avoid engaging in physical combat." Gritting his teeth, Gaara's voice was carried away with a coastal breeze; "I'll need to get as close to her as possible." With nods of agreement, the Tsuchikage and gathered nearby shinobi, who were leading smaller teams into battle, jumped down from the rock to inform their subordinates.

Turning back to face the horizon, Gaara tried desperately to rid himself of this strange feeling coursing trough his veins. Usually such a calm and collected fighter before every battle, he was nervous to discover he was nervous. For the first time in his life, he was thrown off before the battle had even begun. A similar feeling was lingering in his sister's thoughts.

As the Allied Shinobi Forces prepared for the impending battle down below, Temari grasped Gaara's arm, forcing him to turn, her expression was grave. The Kazekage looked at his sister quizzically, wondering what could be so important that it couldn't wait until after the fight.

"Gaara," Temari began, her voice low and urgent, "Be careful out there today. Especially when it comes to Ai."

Gaara's brow furrowed, a hint of annoyance flashing in his eyes. "Do you think a courtesan is a match for me in battle?" He scoffed.

Temari sighed, shaking her head. "You know that's not what I meant, Gaara. I'm not worried about Ai's power, at least not in the traditional sense," Temari frowned. "I'm worried about the effect she has on you." Her words were met with silence, the salty sea breeze whipping at their faces as brother and sister appraised one another.

"Not any more." Gaara said simply, folding his arms.

"Ai brings out your worst traits, Gaara," Temari said bluntly, her gaze unwavering. "Your vanity, your arrogance... When you're around her, it's like you forget yourself, forget all the progress you've made." The Kazekage opened his mouth to protest, but Temari held up a hand, cutting him off. "Don't forget the ruckus you caused at the Kage summit."

Romancing the Kazekage- A Gaara Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now