She Divded a Star

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Have you guys watched Heeramandi on Netflix? There are so many things wrong with it but that the same time...what a visual feast, it is unbelievably beautiful! And if you want to understand more about Indian courtesan culture then please watch. Although it is a little more gritty and dark than I expected

She Divided a Star

In the lower planes of Tengoku (heaven), many thousands of moons before you were born, dear reader, a sacred tree grew from the tears of a god as he wept for his mortal wife. Over time, it grew, it's roots twisting and tumbling out the fertile soil in which it made itself a home. It bore a sweet, pink fruit that promised a divine gift, known only by the gods; chakra. The source of all shinobi power, the life force behind creatures untameable, the tree waited in yearning for the season of harvest. But gods had no interest, and mortals fumbled in ignorance in their short lifespans, ignorant of the gift that waited in the heavens above them.

In this realm of celestial dreams, the tale of two goddesses unfolded, their fates entwined like the roots of the sacred tree. Born the light of a pale star, Renai emerged as the embodiment of love, her essence a shimmering dance of warmth and affection. But, as keen readers will know, everything exists in a balance. In the grand tapestry of existence, equilibrium must be maintained and it is from the shadows of Renai's light, that another goddess took form, a mirror image of the goddess of love, yet steeped in the echoes of her opposing nature.

Kaguya was born of hatred and greed, a creature made solely to serve her own purpose, no matter the cost. She was not beautiful, like Renai, not charming, like Renai, nor beautiful as the moon, like Renai. The two, born from the same star, were the opposite of one another. And while Renai could embody the negative aspects of love; jealously, vanity, possessiveness, she was devoid of hatred and malice. Kaguya, her eyes white and hollow, could find no god to like her, no god to love her. Her tears went unnoticed by the gods who were so selfish and so lovestruck by Renai, that they could not bear to look at her sister.

Soon after her creation, Renai's heart was captured by the god of war, Sensō. Their love filled up the universe with its brilliance. Together, they formed the divine union known as the Blood-Love, a bond so powerful that it was said to transcend the boundaries of time and space. But their happiness was not the only story woven into this celestial tapestry, for Kaguya, in the depths of her heart, harbored a secret love for Sensō. She spied him one day walking through the gardens of heaven and upon approaching him to tell him of her love for him, he scolded her. He told her, with such ferociousness, that he would never be hers. That his heart forever, eternally, belonged to Renai.

Kaguya's love for Sensō consumed her, a fire that could not be quenched, and as she watched him find solace in Renai's arms, her heart grew cold and bitter. The pain of her unrequited love drove her to seek power, a means to prove her worth and to gain the attention and affection of the one she desired above all else. And so, driven by this all-consuming passion, Kaguya sought out the Divine Tree, on the lower planes of heaven.

In her quest, she waged war against the heavens, her armies clashing with the guardians of the sacred realm. The battle raged like a tempest, shaking the foundations of the divine world, until at last, the gods emerged victorious, and Kaguya was vanquished. In her last act against the gods, as Sensō turned his back with a triumphant smile, eager to return to his Renai, Kaguya used the last of her strength to grasp ahold of his cloak and curse him. It would be centuries, until he was able return to heaven. The god of war, young and arrogant, had laughed and shrugged the woman away, unaware that spells of hate are equally as powerful as spells of love. It would be many centuries until he was reunited with the goddess of love.

The deities, drunk on their triumph and blinded by their own egotistical brilliance, did not notice that Kaguya, before her banishment, had stolen a fragment of the Divine Tree's fruit, a seed of untold power. With this forbidden treasure, she fled to the mortal realm, planting the seed deep within the earth. There, nurtured by the blood and tears of mankind, the tree took root, and Kaguya's power grew, a malevolent force pulsing beneath the surface of the world. When the tree bore fruit, she consumed it greedily and became the first being outside of heaven to wield chakra. For eons, the gods paid no heed to the happenings on Earth, their attention consumed by the grandeur of their own celestial lives.

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