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Isabel woke up in her new bed, nestled in the heart of her modest chamber. The room was small but cozy, cold cobblestone walls that seemed to embrace her. Sunlight filtered through a single window, its panes adorned with delicate lace curtains that danced in the gentle breeze.

Her bed, crafted from sturdy oak, was adorned with a simple quilt stitched from scraps of fabric. Soft pillows, plumped and inviting, cradled her head as she stirred awake. A small bedside table stood nearby, its surface adorned with a flickering candle and a vase of freshly picked wildflowers, their fragrance filling the air with a sweet, earthy aroma.

Opposite the bed, a modest wooden chest sat at the foot of the room, its lid slightly ajar to reveal a collection of folded linens and spare blankets neatly stacked within. A worn, but well-loved, rug covered the wooden floorboards, its faded colors adding a touch of homely charm to the space.A simple wooden chair was tucked into a corner, its back adorned with a cushion embroidered with delicate flowers. On the walls, a few cherished paintings hung, depicting scenes of nature and countryside vistas.

The door of her chamber cracked open, revealing a timid figure standing in the doorway. Isabel's eyes met those of a young girl, her blonde hair cascading in soft waves around her shoulders. The chambermaid assigned to her service, stood before her, a nervous smile playing at the corners of her lips.

"Good morning, my lady." The blonde-haired greeted, her voice barely above a whisper. She curtsied shyly, her hands clasped tightly in front of her. Isabel looked at the girl questioningly, unsure of who she was and why she had appeared in her chamber.

"I'm sorry, but who are you?" she asked cautiously, trying to conceal her surprise. Jeanette recoiled slightly at the question, and nervously smiled.

"Forgive me, my lady." she said hurriedly. "I am Jeanette, your chambermaid." she said earnestly, her blue eyes shining in the sunlight.

"Chambermaid, for me? Why?" Isabel asked, her brow furrowing with confusion. Jeanette paused for a moment, choosing her words carefully.

"As a member of the esteemed cadre of the King's physicians, you hold a position of higher rank than mine." she began. "It is customary for someone of your standing to have a servant to attend to your needs, ensuring that you can focus on your important duties without being burdened by menial tasks." Isabel listened, her expression softening as she began to understand Jeanette's perspective.

Isabel nodded slowly, still processing this new information. "I see." she murmured, a mix of surprise and uncertainty in her voice. The idea of having a chambermaid was unfamiliar to her, but she understood that it was a customary arrangement in the castle.

"Jeanette, let me be honest with you." Isabel said as she emerged from the warm comfort of her bed. "I'm not accustomed to these formalities. When it's just you and me, treat me as if I were your friend, not your.. lady." There was a pause as Isabel watched Jeanette's reaction, hoping her words hadn't come across as too forward or ungrateful. Jeanette's expression softened, her blue eyes reflecting understanding.

"Very well, my lady." replied the blonde with a radiant smile on her face. "However... you have beautiful hair. If you allow me, I could style it according to the local customs." Isabel's eyebrows rose in surprise at Jeanette's offer.

"That sounds lovely." Isabel said, a hint of excitement in her voice.

At Jeanette's request, Isabel took her seat at the dressing table. Last night, she had the chance for proper grooming. She thoroughly washed her long, black hair, which cascaded in waves down her back.

As she sat before the mirror, Isabel couldn't help but appreciate the feeling of clean hair against her skin. The warm water from last night's bath had washed away the dust of travel and left her hair feeling soft and refreshed.

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