The Falling Meteor

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*Meanwhile at the Guest Room*

Snek was the host in the room, and only Nancy, Saitama and Genos was around.

Snek looks like an old man wearing some orange coated suit with snake design, his suit makes him immune to blades and monster scratches.

Snek: "I am A-class ranked 38 Snek, a martial artist, I congratulate you 3 for passing the examination"

Saitama: *blows bubblegum*

Genos: *listens but bored*

Nancy: *yawns while looking lazy*

Snek would get irritated by the 3 people, he would smile angrily while maintaining to lecture them

Snek: "I-If y-you were me, I would have listen to your senior infront of your face, and if not....

Snek jumps in the desk and showcase his martial arts technique which is related to a snake style martial arts to show dominance.

Snek: "you 3 get that? If you don't listen, someone will lecture you and put you to place--"

Saitama: *blows bubble but it exploded covering his face*

Genos: "S-Sensei!!" *Tries to help his master*

Nancy: "jeeez, big bro is all lazy..."

Snek in his mind: "damn these people, if only I can smack them out of their senses..."

Snek tremble in irritation as he continue his speech while his vein about to pop out from anger

The congratulation meeting ended after 15 minutes, with snek muttering at his directors above the building talking about the rude people.

Genos went back to his previous place to get something.


Snek confronted Nancy and Saitama when they went back home.

Nancy: "um...why the heck are you blocking us? Do you need something?"

Snek: "there's a thing called newbie crusher, I hate to get outrank, so..."

Snek dashes forward with his excited grin, his hands lunge forward aiming for Saitama but Nancy punches Snek, Snek was sent flying away crashing at the building

Saitama: "you don't need to go that far to punch that guy, sis...."

Nancy: "humph, that guy tried to hurt you, he deserve that and by the way you are all lazy at home, you need to buy me some ice cream for cleaning your entire house!"

Saitama: *sigh* "fine..."

*Meanwhile at the Udon Shop*

(Nancy's P.O.V)

Genos, me and brother Saitama went to the udon shop to eat at night.

Genos and my bro were competing to eat many udon so they can win some prize from the owner.

But Genos wins.

Saitama: "I give up..."

Nancy: "Wahahahaha~ pathetic brother~"

Saitama: "shut up! You didn't even compete with me!"

Nancy: "but you got beaten by a cyborg who is weaker than you~"

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