truth comes to light, scrambled eggs

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Izuku pov

Suddenly, I get woken up to shouting

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Suddenly, I get woken up to shouting. Which causes me to fall out of my bed. I groan and get up to teleport to where the shouting is at. I yawn and see Charlie and Vaggie appearing as well. We all see Angel looking pissed off and Sir pentious cowering.

"What's going on?" Me and Charlie yawn out
"This little bitch is a traitor!" Angel snarls out

Wait... what?!

"Preposterous! I would never betray you. You... are my best friends!" Pentious says

I look around and spot the camera.  I rush in and grab Pentious collar. I growl loudly.

"You're recording us! You fucking stupid traitor! You betrayed my sister kind heart and trust!" I roared

I throw him into a wall and stand next to an equally angry Angel. Charlie and vaggie looks shock. But Vaggie expressed turns to anger. Pentious realizes that his cover is blown and scurries away. He brings out his wrist watch to make contact with Vox.

"Of course, you're working for the weak piece of shit" I shouted
"Ah! Ah! Abort! Abort! S.O.S! Agent Pentious in need of immediate evacuation!" Pentious panics out
"Pentious? Wait… you were caught?!? It hasn't even been, a day!" Vox laughs
"Please! You've got to get me out of here!" Pentious pleeds
"I can't believe we thought you could handle even something this simple! Do us a favour, if they don't kill you, go ahead and do it yourself! You MISERABLE FAILURE!" Vox shouts

Wow... for once I agree with the TV bitch.

"I... I… just make it quick I guess…not that I deserve it." Pentious cries

Pentious lies on the ground, with Vaggie holding a spear ready to pierce the skull.

"Gladly." Vaggie says

Right before Vaggie can put him out of misery, Charlie stops her.

"Wait! ...Pentious?" Charlie says

We watch her help Pentious up.

"~It starts with sorry, that's your foot in the door.
One simple sorry, spoken straight from your core.
The path to forgiveness, is a twisting trail of hearts!
But sorry is where it starts! ~" Charlie sings

Wait... is she... oh, the love of Satan!

"~Who could forgive a dirtbag like me?
I don't deserve your amnesty.~" Pentious sings

Angel gets out duals Tommy submachine guns in both hands with Vaggie tailing behind, holding her spear. I summon my mic as flames flow out my mouth as my antlers grow.

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