The Mark Of The Rani

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Last time, the Doctor has regenerated into his sixth life, and it seems that the TARDIS has materialized around a young redhead woman named Mel, who becomes the newest companion when Jokey accidentally sets the TARDIS to fly into the Time Vortex. Turns out that the first place the TARDIS landed was the time of the Ringling Brothers founded their circus and played their first ever Circus show, which the Doctor and the his companions have enjoyed as they witnessed history of the greatest show on Earth. Mel: "I can't believe this... I'm actually here in the first ever Circus show of the Ringling brothers..." Doctor: "Yes, that's the blessing of time travel, you get to witness history in the making whenever you like." Gidget: "But we must be careful on not to change too many things in the past, otherwise it would change the future." Mel: "Got it." of course that when when she and the kids turned around and see that the Doctor was no long in his seat, and looked around before seeing that the Doctor was now in the show, and put himself into a cannon, which fired him out and he lands a net, laughing his head off while the audience applauded for the Doctor's performance. Once the show was over, the group went back to the TARDIS, and begin traveling through space and time again. Jokey: "So... what do you think... of the fact you're traveling in time and space now?" Mel: "Well... it's fantastic for starters... but you can get me back to my own place and time when it's done... right?" Doctor: "Of course my dear, but there's no rush for it, we can get you back home in no time at all, as if you never left." Gidget: "That is if you can get the flight right." Doctor: "What?, are you saying that I'm not good at flying my own ship?" Tommy: "Um... you kinda stole it... remember?" Doctor: "You don't have to remind me." Mel: "Wait... you stole this ship?" Doctor: "Yes... but that was a long time ago, I properly own this ship now, so don't worry... now then... looks like we're about to land right about... now." Mel: "Land in where... and when?" Doctor: "Only one way to find out, let's check it out." said the Doctor, before he and his companions went outside and see that they were in the mining town of Killingworth in the 19th century. Mel: "Where are we?" Doctor: "Hmm... I'd say the 19th century... and the location... the mining town of Killingworth..." Jokey: "Uh... what's going on over there?" asked Jokey, as he can see some miners attacking the town's people and stealing machinery. Doctor: "My goodness... what on Earth is going on here?" Melody: "I don't like this... people attacking others for no reason is never a nice thing to do..." Gidget: "No... it's not..." Tommy: "But what could be the reason of them doing that?" suddenly, the group hears the sound of a crazy evil laugh, before the Demon Trio showed up, along with the Master and a woman they have not seen before. ScreamClaw: "Surprise, did you miss us?" Doctor: "Hardly, same with the Master... and the Rani next to you... am I not correct?" asked the Doctor, looking at the woman, who was known as the Rani (played by Kate O'Mara), who had an evil smile on her face. Rani: "You are correct Doctor... it's been quite a while..." Mel: "Who is she... and the others?" Tommy: "Those dragons are the Demon trio... the ones who turned me, my sister and my friends into the Toon we are now... and that man with the beard is the Master... a Time Lord like the Doctor... but an evil one... not sure about the lady though..." Melody: "We've never met her before..." Doctor: "I have... she's also a fellow Time Lord... or Time Lady in her case... and she's known to do terrible experiments on other life forms... you might say she's like the female version of the Master here..." Rani: "I am far more than that... I am the universe's future mistress..." Master: "And my lady friend of course." Doctor: "Oh... never imagined you to be a romantic type..." Master: "Jealous?" Doctor: "Not really, for there's no way I would want to date a woman who would put living creatures' heads in jars." said the Doctor, which made the kids grabbed their necks in shock, scared by the thought of heads being in jars. Rani: "A small price to pay to the name of science and become future ruler of the universe." Master: "Indeed..." Mel: "What did you do to the people here?" Rani: "I simply stole some of brain fluids of some of the people here, including Lord Ravensworth and George Stephenson, and use them to control the people on creating some more advance stuff to create the ultimate mind control fluid to control any species..." Master: "And with luck... we might even take control the minds of the Time Lords on Gallifrey." Gidget: "You'd use mind control on your own people?!" Rani: "What have the Time Lords ever done for us?" Master: "Yes, they wanted us locked up, stay on Gallifrey... make us prisoners on our own home... and punish us just for leaving... I'm sure you can understand that Doctor... right... for that's what happened to you... which was how you lost your second life..." Doctor: "Yes... but I had good intentions on leaving Gallifrey... you two didn't." Master: "That depends on your point of view..." ScreamClaw: "Enough talking, let's use the miners to capture the Doctor and those brats." ThunderSmacker: "Good idea, we can use them to do our dirty work on catching them." SpaceWarp: "Y-y-yeah... what you said..." Rani: "Miners... attack!" ordered the Rani, before the Miners came to the scene and began charging towards the Doctor and his companions. Doctor: "Now that's just cheating..." Mew: "Maybe I can stop them with my psychic powers!" said Gidget, before she uses psychic powers to hypnotize the miners on stopping from attacking them, much to the Rani's surprise. Rani: "What?!, that girl's got psychic powers?" Master: "Oh... guess we forgot to mention that..." ScreamClaw: "No matter, for her powers won't on me or my brothers." Gidget: "Maybe not my powers alone... but water can!" said Gidget, before she uses her psychic powers again to control some nearby water to attack the Demon trio, causing them to scream in pain as steam came out of their bodies. ScreamClaw: "Ah!, the pain!" ThunderSmacker: "The cold!" SpaceWarp: "N-n-not again...!" Rani: "How pathetic, you're supposed to be powerful demons, and yet you get beaten by a little girl who simply got you wet?" ThunderSmacker: "Oh shut up!, don't act like you don't have weaknesses of your own!" ScreamClaw: "Never mind... let's get ourselves dry off, and then we'll get those 5... wait... where's the second hyena boy?" asked ScreamClaw, before everyone else noticed that Jokey was nowhere to be seen. Jokeo: "Bro?, where did you go?" asked Jokeo, before Jokey comes out of what looked like a Grandfather clock. Jokey: "Hey guys, check out this strange grandfather clock, it's like the TARDIS." Rani: "Hey!, that's my TARDIS!, get out of there!" shouted the Rani, before she, the Master and the Demon trio run into the Rani's TARDIS, and tried to chase after the hyena boy, who accidentally drops one of the experiment jars inside, which breaks when it hits the ground, letting out some kind of experimented dinosaur embryo that somehow grew into a full grown T-Rex, which let's out a mighty roar that scared the heck out of everyone. Jokey: "Uh... I think it's time for me to go... bye!" said Jokey, before he runs out of the Rani's TARDIS, while the Rani, the Master, and the Demon trio were left along with the hungry T-Rex, which begins to chase the villains and causing some damage in the Rani's TARDIS, causing the ship to be sent flying through space and time uncontrollably. Some time later, the Doctor, Mel, and the Toon kids went to work on fixing the miners, returning the brain fluid that the Rani stole from them, including Lord Ravensworth and George Stephenson. Once the danger was over, it was time for the Doctor and his companions to go back into the TARDIS and continue their travels. Mel: "Well... that was some adventure... never thought I would get to meet Lord Ravensworth, George Stephenson, and a dinosaur on the same trip..." Doctor: "Nor have I, which what makes our travels more interesting... shall we continue?" Mel: "Sure." Tommy: "Then let's go!" Melody: "Uh huh." so with that, the time travelers are off through time and space again, looking forward to see where they'll go next.

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