Terror Of The Vervoids

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Last time, the Doctor and his companions saved their past selves from the Sontarans, who were planning to steal their knowledge of time travel from them. Due to Jokey mistaking some dynamite for candles, the Sontarans' base in Seville of Spain got blown up, along with the Sontarans, while the Doctors and their companions managed to escape and gone their separate ways. Now, the TARDIS has appeared in some sort of space-liner, somewhere in the future, and it wasn't long before the Doctor and his companions got out to check the place out. Jokeo: "Wow... we're in a spaceship... right?" Doctor: "I do believe so... somewhere in the year of 2986... but something's not right here..." Mel: "What's that?" Doctor: "Well for starters... where's the crew?" asked the Doctor, as he and the others looked around and see that there were no people around at all. Gidget: "Oh you're right... there's nobody around..." Tommy: "But why?... what happened to them?" Jokey: "Uh... maybe they might know." Mel: "They who?" Jokey: "Those giant monster plants that are coming right towards us." said Jokey, before he points at the giant monster plants he was talking about, and the sight of them scared the heck out of the group. Tommy: "Run!" shouted Tommy, before he and the others make a run for it, trying to escape from the giant man eating plant monsters. Once they found a place to hide, the time travelers were making sure not to make any noise until they were sure that the monster plants were all gone. Jokey: "Is the coast clear?" Mel: "I don't know..." Gidget: "Well... I don't see them... so I think we're in the clear... for now anyway..." Melody: "What were those things?" Doctor: "If I'm guessing correctly... those were Vervoids... giant alien meat eating plants that hate all animal life and kill to survive... they must have somehow got onboard this space-liner and ate the crew no doubt..." Melody: "Oh no..." said Melody, as she begin to shed some tears from her eyes and Tommy was trying his best to comfort her. Tommy: "It's okay sis... I got you... I'm here..." Jokey: "So what do we do now?" Jokeo: "Should we stop them?" Doctor: "No need... for I'm guessing correctly... judging by the stars in this sector... I believe this space-liner is heading straight for the Black Hole of Tartarus, which will destroy this ship and the Vervoids with it." Jokeo: "Black Hole?!" Mel: "So problem's solved?" Doctor: "Well maybe... if we can get back to the TARDIS before that happens..." Jokey: "Uh... guys... I think we have a problem..." said Jokey, as he points at a pair of Vervoids coming to the scene, both carrying the TARDIS in their giant roots. Mel: "Oh man..." Doctor: "Well... this will be a problem alright..." said the Doctor in annoyance, before he and the others went off to follow the Vervoids, but doing it quietly so the plants won't notice them. Turns out that the Vervoids are trying to figure out how to get the TARDIS to open, and use it to escape from the space-liner and try to spread their kind throughout the universe, which was why they brought it to the control room of the ship, and trying their best to force the doors to open up, but no luck. As for the Doctor and his companions, they were trying to think of a plan to try getting back into the TARDIS and escape before the space-liner arrives to the Black Hole of Tartarus. Jokey: "Hey... I got an idea!" Jokeo: "What is it?" asked Jokeo, before Jokey takes out some red peppers and puts them into his mouth, causing his whole head to turn red and then he jumps out of hiding and shoots fire balls out of his mouth, causing the plant monsters to be caught on fire. Doctor: "Well... that's certainly one way to kill a weed." Mel: "Come on!, now's our chance!" said Mel, before she and the others, including the Doctor, make a run for it into the TARDIS, and once they got inside, the TARDIS vanishes from the space-liner, which arrives to the Black Hole of Tartarus, destroying itself and the Vervoids with it. Once the danger was over, the TARDIS was now flying in space, and both the Doctor and his companions were taking some deep breaths after running so fast to escape from the space-liner and the Vervoids. Doctor: "So... everyone alright?" Mel: "I think so... man... that was way too close..." Jokey: "Yeah.... [coughing some smoke] oh man... does anyone have a glass of water?" Gidget: "Here you go." said Gidget, before she gives Jokey the glass, and the hyena boy goes down drinking all the water. Jokey: "Oh... much better... thanks..." Tommy: "Man... monster plants... wonder if there will be a film about that..." Doctor: "There will be... 'A Little Shop Of Horrors' I believe..." Melody: "Not sure we wanted to know that..." Mel: "Well at least it's all over now..." suddenly, the whole TARDIS started to shake up like crazy, as some sort of laser beam was hitting it, causing a lot of damage on both the outside and the inside of the ship. Tommy: "What's happening?!" Doctor: "Someone's firing a laser at us... and according to the monitor, it's coming from the planet Lakertya!" Melody: "Oh no!, it's breaking the TARDIS!" said Melody, as she can see the console having fire and smoke coming out of it, while the walls was getting scorch marks all over. Jokeo: "We're gonna get killed!" Doctor: "Don't worry, the laser's not gonna kill you, for it's only deadly to..." before the Doctor could finish his sentence, another laser hits the TARDIS, and some of the laser's energy hits the console room, and caused everyone to pass out, while the Doctor looked like he was in terrible pain. Doctor: "Oh... it's only deadly... to Time Lords like me... oh my... I never thought I would meet my end... so soon... well... it was fun while it lasted..." said the Doctor, before he falls down to the floor, passing out while his head and hands began to have a golden glow around them. Suddenly, the Doctor's head and hands let out a burst of golden energy as he begins to regenerate, while the TARDIS was falling towards the planet of Lakertya.

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