Third Life In Exile

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Last time, the Doctor and the Toon kids were captured by the Time Lords, the Doctor's own people, and he was put on trial for not only interfering with the universe, but stealing a TARDIS as well. When the trial came to an end, the Time Lords decided to exile the Doctor and the kids to Earth of the 20th century, and forced the Doctor to regenerate, causing him to change his face and body again. Now, the TARDIS, which was under the control of the Time Lords, heads off to Earth with the Doctor and the kids inside, completely out cold. Somewhere on the planet, there was a UNIT base, where the Brigadier, Alistair Lethbridge-Stewart, was making sure everything was in order, while thinking about a certain group of travelers that helped him save the Earth from an alien invasion. Of course that was when a young woman named Sarah Jane Smith (played by Elisabeth Sladen), who is a journalist that was investigating the incident of the invasion. Sarah Jane: "So tell me, did you really saved the Earth from an alien invasion in London?" Alistair: "Uh... what makes you think there was such a thing?" Sarah Jane: "Well I was on my way out of the city when it happened... and it was scary... and amazing at the same time... and I want to know more about it." Alistair: "Look... whatever happened there, must be kept a secret... after all, I doubt the world's really ready to know about the existence of aliens and stuff like that..." Sarah Jane: "Well can you at least tell me the names of the ones who helped you saved the Earth?" Alistair: "Well... I'll admit that we had help... but they're not here..." suddenly, the sound of a weezing sound from the TARDIS was heard, and then the TARDIS itself begins to appear, much to the surprise of the people in the room. Once the door was opened, an old man, who was the Third Doctor (played by Jon Pertwee), comes out and fell to the ground, much to everyone's surprise. Sarah Jane: "Oh my goodness!, are you alright?!" Alistair: "Who is this?" Sarah Jane: "And where did that... [noticing the kids coming out] what are those?!" Tommy: "Oh... my head..." Alistair: "Kids?!, are you alright?" Gidget: "Yeah... just a little dizzy... but we're fine..." Alistair: "Where's the Doctor?" Melody: "Um... I think it's the man on the ground... that's the Doctor..." Alistair: "What do you mean that's the Doctor?, he looks nothing like him." Jokey: "Oh... he did it again... didn't he?" Jokeo: "Looks like it... just like what they said... they forced him to change..." Alistair: "Who forced him to change?, what happened?" Tommy: "Well... it happened soon after we last met..." said Tommy, before he and the other kids begin telling the Brigadier about the Time Lords and the part of the exile and all that. Sarah Jane: "So... this man... he's an alien?" Gidget: "That's right miss... but who are you?" Sarah Jane: "Oh sorry, how rude of me, I'm Sarah Jane Smith, a journalist." Melody: "It's nice to meet you Miss Sarah Jane Smith, I'm Melody, and this is Tommy, my big brother." Tommy: "Hi" Gidget: "I'm Gidget, and the pair here is Jokey and Jokeo, they're twins." Jokey and Jokeo: "Hi!" Sarah Jane Smith: "Well it's nice to meet you, I never knew some aliens could be so cute and nice." Gidget: "Actually... we're Toons, not aliens, and we used to be humans like yourself... until we ran into a trio of evil demons..." Tommy: "It's a long story..." said Tommy, before they went to an infirmary, where the Doctor was resting on a bed, until he finally wakes up and sees that the kids, the Brigadier and Sarah Jane were looking at him. Doctor: "Oh... kids... Brigadier... is that you?" Gidget: "It's us... are you okay?" Doctor: "I think so... but wait... my voice..." Melody: "Your face and body changed again..." said Melody, before she shows the Doctor his reflection on a small hand held mirror. Doctor: "Oh my... is that really me?" Jokey: "Well... you said you change your face." Jokeo: "And we saw it changed before." Doctor: "Hmm... well... I guess that I'll have to get used to it for now... as I'm stuck with it now..." Melody: "Well at least it looks friendly." Doctor: "Hmm... yes, I do have to admit, it does look friendly, and distinguishing at the very least." said the Doctor, as he smiles at his reflection. Some time later, the Doctor goes off to get some new clothes to wear, which was a flowing crimson-lined cape over a black velvet smoking jacket, a ruffled shirt and a bow tie, and looks at a mirror to see how it looks on him, and he couldn't help but smile. When the Doctor went over to the TARDIS, he sees that the interior was of a normal police box, much to his surprise. Alistair: "What happened to the TARDIS?, the interior..." Doctor: "The Time Lords... when they exiled me... they took away the secrets of the TARDIS from me... so now... the police box... is now just a police box..." Tommy: "So we're stuck here in this place and time?" Doctor: "For now... our only hope of restoring the TARDIS, is as if we could convince the Time Lords to forgive me and I'm able to prove I'm worthy of it's secrets again..." Jokey: "So... what do we do now?" Jokeo: "Beats me... we don't have a home or a family to return to... and I doubt people will like the idea of beings like us walking around in the streets..." Sarah Jane: "Oh yes... I suppose a group of kids that look like talking animals would surely attract too much unwanted attention..." Alistair: "Hmm... you know... Doctor... kids... I might have an idea that might help you." Doctor: "Oh?" Alistair: "You see... after the incident with the Martian/Cybermen invasion... I got this feeling that more alien invaders might try to attack the Earth, and since you have experience on dealing with them... I would like you and the kids as my alien advisor number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6." Doctor: "You mean... you want us to work for you?" Alistair: "Well it's not like you'll be going anywhere at the moment, and you're the best people I know that can handle any alien threat that would come." Jokey: "Do we get paid?" Alistair: "Perhaps, but try not to waste your payment on anything worthless." Jokeo: "Deal." Melody: "Um... I'm not really a fighter... I'm normally the one that heals." Alistair: "Then you shall be the nurse for this UNIT base." Melody: "Okay, I like that." Tommy: "That's the perfect job for my little sister." Sarah Jane: "Um... are you and the rabbit girl really siblings?, cause uh..." Tommy: "Well we used to be humans, before getting turned into Toons by the Demon dragons, so yes, Melody and I are siblings." Sarah Jane: "Sorry... it's just..." Melody: "It's okay, we don't blame you." Gidget: "Um... which number of advisor are we?" Alistair: "Well... Jokey is number 6, Jokeo is number 5, Melody is number 4, you are number 3 Gidget, and Tommy is number 2... leaving the Doctor as number 1." Doctor: "Well that's no surprise, who better than an alien would know about aliens?" Sarah Jane: "Wow... what a story... an alien becoming an employee of UNIT..." Alistair: "Miss Smith, I would advise you not to tell anyone about this, for the last thing we need is people knowing about aliens being real, or an alien working in UNIT, so I'll have to ask you to stay here until I deem you trustworthy enough to let you leave." Sarah Jane: "Well... I'm not planning on leaving, not that there's a big story going on here..." Alistair: "You mustn't tell anyone." Sarah Jane: "Fine... it's a deal." Doctor: "Well... looks like you'll be here for a while..." Sarah Jane: "Same with you, Doctor, I hope we'll get to know each other more." Doctor: "Same here." said the Doctor, as he and Sarah Jane smile at each other.

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