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What's home?
Is it static? Or moving with passage of time?
Is it where you poured your heart out one time?or wherever you move to you make a home there?
Is it that one place you think of when you are scattered into a billion pieces by the world?
Or is the place you run away from, to flight away from your so called home, is that the correct definition? Is home a person? And if so is it possible for it to change and not be that anymore? Where is the person you need to ask for the directions to the long lost home? I seem to be terrible with these directions and mapmaster but doesn't home last forever? Admist the fire and the ice cold egos? Admist the love and the casualties of its members, of clashing want?
Is home an actual place or just a word?
Is this a feeling designated for me and no other? Is home a place in mind? Is it the way my mom smiles? What is the way you define?
What's home and what if you don't have one? Is that another proof for me being unlovable?

12:19What's home?Is it static? Or moving with passage of time?Is it where you poured your heart out one time?or wherever you move to you make a home there? Is it that one place you think of when you are scattered into a billion pieces by the world...

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