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I've never been the kind of person who visited graves. I don't know i just feel that those object will stick to my outercoat and come reside in my home and it's not like i didn't had enough dead souls walking, conversing around me but never visiting or attending any funerals all my life it had always been an topic i thought about ruminately
Does it really look like what they make it look like in movies? Ghostly but yet full of flowers and tombs of now insignificant significant others. A fascinating undertone of grey and blue that makes it look like small homes for scavengers.
Does it smell foul like it does to me now? Like this unsettling scent of dried blood-sweat-tears and rotten flowers?
Something you can't sit in for more than an hour. A breeze filled with haze.
A vague demonic blaze
Does it always sound holy and ceremonic?
Like a perfect place to get an afterdeath bed at? Do you hear cries? But more than that do you as well hear your father and mother fighting over what colour should the late daughter's room should be coloured with ?
Your relatives bussing with what score did the Nigerian football team made. What stocks have been skyrocketing. What a waste of money the late girls funeral has been to the poor parents. The aunties trying to squeeze their eyes tighter to find atleast one of those tears
Where they have been?
And your friends, they be talking about the other friends and the feud that happened a billion days before and look at you squint an eye. Our poor baby, unfairly took her life. The God a fakist and he doesn't exist. They be talking about a plan to set out the teen cementry in fire and ash so they know life matters
Whose is 'they'? I don't can't even figure
The late daughter's in the coffin.
They look at her and smile, she must be devastated to die so young but surely would be in a better place so let's stop giving a fuck like she meant anything

Have you ever been to a funeral?
I'll frame that question again
Have you ever been to your funeral?
Once in a life or i might say the end of life
Have you ever been in a coffin?
Your own coffin?
Have you ever felt this feeling?
Alive yet forgotten
In the blink of eye
You lay there eyes closed cause it's better to let the silence engulf you and as slyly the death. It's better to lay there full of life then getting out and be deprived of it
In a different lifetime the late daughter died a better death, not a slow one as she did this time. A fast snap and peace.
A wicked show of my death.
A wicked show of my life

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