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Hours later, I was seated beside the Queen herself. Eloy sat on my other side, acting as if he were bored while waiting on the next course. The introductions were brief when we arrived. Between the pouring sheets of rain and how late it truly was, we all felt impatient to attend the dinner they had planned for us.

Though relaxed and intimate, I wished they would have allowed me to change. My cloak was gone now leaving me in only my royal leathers. Even though I was known as a beauty any man would be lucky to have, the prince's glower still had not changed. His disapproval pricked my vanity. I should care more about my skills than looks, but I am vain at times and utterly prideful.

I felt my brother lean in beside me and instantly knew he was up to no good. My eyes shifted from the ill-mannered man, who would soon be my husband, to the glass of wine in front of me. I listened intently, waiting for whatever my brother was about to say.

"Do you think his face is permanently in such a scowl, or do you think he is just displeased with something?" Eloy snickered quietly.

My back tensed, with the Queen sitting so close on my other side. It was hard to fathom that she did not hear my brother's offensive remarks. When no gesture or clearing of her throat came, I leaned slightly to my brother, a smile playing on my lips.

"If he goes on like that for too long, I'm afraid I will have a husband with very permanent frown lines." I hid the smile behind my now ungloved hand, fighting the internal struggle to keep from laughing.

The air shifted beside me, and I went rigid. Sitting up straight and perfect, I eyed the Queen as she leaned a bit closer to me. She had decided to join in on our antics despite her eyes still facing forward. Her coal-colored hair was up in a harshly braided bun. So different from my three small braids, two on one side and one on the other. They were mixed with loose strands of hair and pulled into a flowing ponytail. Women of Eladere tended to layer their hair. They even liked bangs to frame their cheeks. I was no exception. The culture here had woman growing their hair preposterously long and finding ways to tightly wrap it atop their heads.

The Queen's lips parted, and I listened intently to what she would say. Did she hear Eloy? Was she going to reprimand us? I had noted how soft her voice was when we met atop those stairs. But now, as she whispered, I found myself straining to hear her.

"Please forgive my son. He knows he has that ill-mannered look on his face. Alas, he gave up long ago trying to fix it to please others." She laughed kindly before leaning back into her seat, her husband questioning her with his deep-set eyes. My face heated with indiscretion. Of course, we were caught. My eyes shifted back to my brother, who was now struggling to hold back a roar of laughter. I was already being scolded. Nineteen years old and I still allowed my older brother to get me into trouble.

I looked back at Prince Cade. He seemed to note our interaction before returning his piercing gaze back to his own wine cup. Maybe I was a being narrow-minded and judgmental.

Inwardly, I flinched as his eyes met mine again. I looked away flustered, not because I was caught, but because I swore his eyes narrowed on me. Then again, maybe the Queen is a mother who saw her son as faultless.


Following dinner, a servant led me to my rooms and left me alone. The Queen had apologized for keeping us up so late when we must have been tired from the journey. It was funny because all Eladere royalty were trained like soldiers. Going without sleep or even walking across a kingdom was not just normal, but expected. Not to mention my extra training as a Warrior Protect. I didn't laugh at her directly, though. She seemed to be a very kind woman. I could see it in her soft eyes.

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