-11- Cade de Hanivel

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It had been four days since the incident with Karas. A knock at my door was a shock, but not as shocking as it was to see Princess Aurora herself standing there. She put little thought into her outfit choice since she wore what seemed to be her training leathers. Since she cannot train anyways. Not that she looked bad in them. They just were not something Cavix woman would approve of. Though, I would be shocked if she actually cared what Cavix women thought of her. The fact that she was calling on me was surprising, though.

"Mind if I come in to talk? To please my mother?" She smiled sweetly, and I knew her mother had to have been watching from afar. "Prince Cade." She added curtly before her eyes shifted to the left.

A smirk tugged at my lips. I should have let her in, but I found myself only looking down at her. Of course, with her standing this close I was getting a good look at her smooth skin. She even had a small beauty mark just under the corner of her mouth. I noticed it every time a saw her up close.

"Please," she bit out between clenched teeth. Restrained attitude laced the word. I must have been glaring again, because she struggled to keep the smile on her face. I messed up again. I stepped to the side, allowing her to enter before shutting the door.

"How long were you going to make me stand there? It is bad enough she forced me to call on you. Worse that she wants me to be openly seen going into your room," she hissed as she leaned over the back of the sofa. Her head hung between her shoulders, her arms stiff.

"I didn't know it was that horrible to be seen with me," I said flatly, moving to the small dining table beside the window.

Pouring a glass of water, I held it out to her. She seemed tired. Maybe she was doing more training of some sort. She was not wearing those loose billowy clothes that she and her mother wore for Tenssen training. She eyed the blue crystal glass before taking it, our fingers brushing as she did so. She didn't even flinch, but the flash in her eyes told me she noted the brief contact.

"Thanks." She nodded, drinking half of it at once. Unsure of what to even say to her, I moved back to my desk.

"Sit wherever you'd like," I muttered, returning to my papers once again.

It was the wrong thing to do, I knew it was. However, I had no other ideas. I had nothing to talk about. I could not speak to her without her misunderstanding my intentions. Even my actions were wrong. I never had much patience with trying to help others to understand me. I would not overexert myself with her, even if we were to marry in little more than a week. My heart sunk at my own thoughts. That was a lie, if I knew how to I would try to make her understand, try and explain myself. I was just useless in these situations. Once someone disliked me I never knew how to fix it. I heard her move and glanced back to see her now sitting on the gray sofa that was hardly ever used. After a moment, she relaxed on her side and yawned.

"Since you seem to show little interest in me being here, I might as well rest." She murmured. My brow twitched as she closed her eyes. She really didn't care how she acted in front of me, did she? What manners did they teach women in Eladere? I turned back to my work trying to calm my irritation.

I finally set down the last letter and turned to see her asleep on the sofa. Why should I be surprised? I did go right back to work instead of giving her my attention. It was not like she was expecting or even wanting to spend time with me. She was only here to appease her mother.

I walked over to her, a strange urge pulling me to her side. Before I could get within three feet of her, those silver eyes snapped open. She shot up, eyes scanning the room. Her eyes landed on me. Instantly, I looked away.

"What were you doing?" she asked, eyes narrowing on me. Her voice was suspicious.

"I was going to wake you up, seeing as you have no idea how to act like a dignified princess," I snapped, glaring down. God, that was the worst thing I could ever say.

The rage that filled that perfect face made my knees weak. I cursed myself. Yes, I was embarrassed that she caught me approaching her, but still. I could have been honest. She probably didn't understand that it was not only rude, but dangerous to fall asleep in a man's room. I was caught off guard, and she sounded suspicious. Of course, I would never touch her without her consent.

"You insufferable, up-tight snake," She snapped, standing up. "I do not know how to act like one of your princesses, because I am not from your kingdom. Your mother said I didn't need to change who I was. Yet, all you do is look at me as if I am nothing more than some inconsequential bug." She made sure that I understood she would never be like a woman form Cavix with a rude hand gesture before heading straight for the door.

I followed after her as she paused, hand on the knob, then she turned to look at me. I saw tears in the corners of her eyes. My heart hurt at the sight. I took her question of what I was doing as her being suspicious towards me. But maybe she was just confused from waking up in a different room for a second. Wouldn't anyone be tense and alert after being startled awake in an unfamiliar room? It was obvious why she asked what I was doing.

"You do realize that I am the one who is supposed to protect you for the rest of your life? You would think I would get a little more respect, even if you don't wish to marry me."

"Wait." The door slammed shut before I could apologize, leaving me alone and regretful.


Hours later, another knock came at the door. I hardly bothered lighting anything more than a fire when the sun set. At night, my eyesight was at its worst and bright fires hurt my eyes. I was never to open the door for anyone in case it was a threat to my life.

"Prince Cade? We need to talk if you would." I knew that voice. It belonged to Karas. I unlocked the door and only cracked it open, the bright light of a torch hurting my eyes.

"I am sorry to disturb you. There is a guard here with me. I know you normally don't talk to anyone after dark but...well, Aurora has been more than upset after the last incident."

"And? Would that not play into your favor?" My voice was low enough that only he heard as I opened the door. "Wait outside the door," I muttered to the guard as I allowed Karas to enter. The guard nodded before returning to his post at my door.

"What do you mean by that?" Karas growled as he put the torch in the nearest empty holder. I lifted my hand, shielding my eyes from the orange glow. Sighing, I walked to the sofa.

 Sighing, I walked to the sofa

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