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A lot of things had happened.

You and Zuko informed everyone about Oka's threat about eradicating the Water Tribe. It struck a chord with Aang.

Aang had managed to learn some basic firebending with Zuko by getting a dance lesson with fire breathing dragons!

Sokka had rescued your father and his girlfriend, Suki, from a Fire Nation prison, with Zuko.

Katara was still struggling to warm up to Zuko, but she wasn't lashing out at him like before.

And Toph...

Toph wanted that field trip.

You were reuniting with your father, especially since the last time you saw him, your mother was still alive.

Things were awkward, of course, but it wasn't too bad. It was like old times, but more mature-In a good way.

The two of you were in a tent, casually talking, when...

"...Y/N, I've noticed something." Hakoda said.

You raised an eyebrow, "Huh? What's up?"

"...You really don't have the eyes of a child. I know you're not little anymore, but even your older brother has a remnant of youth in him."

You laughed, "So I look old?"

"You look tired. What have you seen? What have you been through?" Hakoda asked.

"I..." You sighed and glanced at the ground with a weak smile, "I guess I grew up pretty fast. I've, uh, been places. Places unimaginable. Ones that can hurt badly."

"The Fire Nation..." Hakoda whispered.

"Huh?" You perked up in confusion, "Oh, no, I wasn't just talking about the Fire Nation."

"Oh? Then... Then where were you? Is it related to you vanishing like you were the bald kid?" Hakoda inquired.

Aang hit his forehead, causing everyone to turn to him.

"Aang? What's wrong?" Katara asked.

"I feel like someone questioned my lack of hair..."

"I was... I was in a pitch black world. I couldn't tell where the horizon and the sky met. The Horizon... I think that's a good name for it, actually." You hummed.

"It was... Torture being there," You took off your gloves, "Physically and mentally."

Hakoda looked shocked and astonished, "Your scars... They're gone."

"It's because I lost my arms. I made new ones, though."

Your father looked at you like you had two heads.

You shrugged, "Yeah, Long story."

"Sokka told me to keep an eye on the firebender if he ever got too close to you. What was his name... Zuko? Is he a problem for you? Since he's from the Fire Nation and all..." Hakoda inquired.

"Zuko?" You awkwardly laughed and glanced to the side, blushing.

You weren't sure how your father would react to hearing about the bond you and Zuko shared. Sokka was only your older brother, and he was freaking out. Hakoda was your father. How would he react?

"Sokka was just being dumb, I mean, Zuko helped you get out of the Boiling Rock. He's not so bad." You beamed.

Sokka had an upset expression on his face, causing everyone to look at him.

"Sokka? What's wrong?" Suki asked.

"I feel like someone questioned my intelligence."

"Well, if you think so." The two of you sat in comfortable silence as you played with your gloves.

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