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There was one last stop to make, before your plan to leave Zion's house for good had everyone on board. You'd heard things, both from Eugene and Ethan...

Harry was acting strange, these days.

In what way, you weren't sure. As you had remembered before, Harry didn't speak much to anyone ever since the incident with Hailey. Before, he was always going around, making sure the group was happy and healthy. But not lately.

Harry spent his time on the third floor, from what you knew. There was a game room, a library, and a bar and balcony here, but you couldn't find him in any of those rooms.

Finally, you approached a bedroom at the end of the hall, open just a crack. You peeked in.

Harry was sitting on the bed, his back to you. He stared at the wall in silence. Maybe he was thinking about something. Or maybe he genuinely didn't know what else to do at a time like this.

Despite the door being open, you knocked gently, and it creaked.

"Harry?" you said quietly, trying not to startle him. "Can we talk?"

He didn't reply for a long moment, only making you feel more uneasy.

"What is it," he replied flatly, still not turning to face you. Harry had never been this cold, especially not towards you.

"The guys and I have been talking about something," you began, stepping into the room. "A plan, to-"

"And Lawrence?" Harry asked, his tone not quite readable.

His question caught you off-guard. "Lawrence?" you repeated. "No... Not Lawrence. Just the rest of us."

Harry's shoulders seemed to relax at this, and at last, he turned to face you. His expression wasn't cold or harsh - it was worried, and exhausted.

"Shut the door," he ordered you, though his voice was still soft. "I don't want us getting into any more fights if Lawrence finds out about this."

You nod, shutting the door, and walking over to Harry's side, sitting beside him on the mattress.

"Lawrence already knows part of it," you told Harry honestly. "Zion and I brought it up to him, but he wasn't really happy about it. And somehow... Lawrence knew that I had talked to Eugene afterwards, too."

Harry listened to you, his brows creased with concern. Then, he finally spoke.

"(Y/n)... Can I be honest about something?" he asked hesitantly. "Lawrence is... A creep."

Harry's words made you reel back in shock. "What?" you asked in disbelief, making Harry grow flustered.

"W-What I mean is," he corrected himself quickly. "I've noticed something ever since we left the Safe Zone, and it's really been bothering me."

"Lawrence watches you," he said gravely. "Not just... To make sure you're alright. He... Spies on you."

Your words stick in your throat. You're stunned, but... You can't say that you couldn't believe it. After all, it wasn't rare you had the feeling of being watched these past days, weeks... Even months.

"Even before the Safe Zone, Lawrence had some strange habits," Harry continued. "I noticed my things going missing back at the school, especially after you and I became close. And then I would find those things in his room, or in his pockets."

Harry looked almost disturbed by this, but also relieved to get it off his chest.

"Lawrence and I haven't really gotten along, since the beginning," he sighed. "I tried to keep being nice to him, and keep my cool, but... He's always been like this, you know."

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