FAN ART CONTEST!!! (Not really a contest btw)

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So, earlier on I said I was going to announce something- and that is this something! I'm doing a fan art contest for this comic series! I'm super excited for all the wonderful art you guys are gonna make :D

Before I list out the rules, I just want to let you all know and start off by saying that this is NOT a CONTEST contest. I'm not going to evaluate anyone's for a prize or something. I don't have money, and I think you'd all be kinda disappointed if the prize was for me to make art of your character or something- but I mean like- I could- but it would most likely be on actual paper and that's boring XD

But I mean, hey, I could if you want me to :D


- Preferred if it was colored

- Must be related to the Psycho Sun AU. Meaning any moments, theories, AUs branching off of the P.S AU, has P.S with one of your characters, etc (the last one was an idea btw)

- You must have your user or name or watermark on the art piece that is VISABLE. I don't want people stealing art.


- Can be either traditional or digital

- It can be a comic strip, a (REASONABLE) ship, moment from the series, etc

- ABSOLUTLY. NO. NSFW. NO EXEPTIONS. The only thing I'm allowing is like- idk- a wholesome kiss or something- but even then, the series doesn't really have ships so idk. Plus, everyone so far is pretty much a brother or sister to each other. The only thing I can really come up with is Monty and Earth- which even then- Monty was shown like once.

- Keep it P.S related.

- No tracing any other works. If you're using a TEMPLATE, don't make it obvious. Also, don't trace over mine.

- Swearing is allowed

- No loopholes in the rules please

- Some rules may be added or changed, so be aware



April 30th, 2024


- Make sure that submissions are posted on a separate book like an art book and MAKE SURE TO @ ME OR I WONT SEE IT!!!


You can either make a comment here or PM me

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Happy drawing, artists!

I'm very excited about this ^^


If you guys want... I can make a discord server for the AU so you guys get updates quicker and maybe some WIP for the AU 0u0

I know this isn't a big AU, but it's big for me and I honestly really love this goofy series-

and I hope you all love it too :D


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My Main Discord Server: "Out Solar Kingdom"

Role play Server hotel for SaM type animatronics: "The Super Daycare"

Role play Server STILL NEEDS PEOPLE: "The Afterlife Show"

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