Chapter 251-260

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Chapter 251 Getting closer step by step

The crab feast that Jingyao had prepared so painstakingly was finally held. This day, Tian Lanhui came to the front hall after having a relatively sumptuous breakfast. Speaking of which, the cooks that the fourth elder brother found were really good. They all took great pains to make dishes with a variety of flavors. Even Lanhui's current appetite could pick out a few dishes for his taste. I was so happy that the fourth elder brother gave them a big reward. A cook, these cooks were so happy that they worked even harder.

When Lan Hui found out, she just smiled, but did not thank Fourth Age Brother for anything. After all, the child in her belly was not hers alone, so it was natural for Fourth Age Brother to contribute.

Lan Hui is waiting in the square hall now. When the little girls arrive, they must see her first. After a while, guests came to the door. The first ones to come were Da Gege and Er Gege from the fifth elder brother’s house. These two girls had a good relationship with Jingyao Junyao, and occasionally they would visit each other for fun. After that, the ninth elder brother The family's Si Gege is also here. She is Lalan's good friend. This girl is just a chatterbox. What she likes to do most is not to listen to the buzzing in Lalan's ears. Although Lalan is annoyed with her on the surface, But he always accepts her nagging, and gives her carefully prepared gifts every time on her birthday.

As for today's main guest, Jiaqi, she arrived at an hour that was neither early nor late. She didn't know any of the girls in the room, so she just sat there in silence, not conspicuous at all.

After a while, a few more sisters who were friends with the minister's family came. When everyone arrived, Lan Hui greeted them twice, told the girls to let go and play, and asked Jingyao to take them out. .

After everyone left, Lan Hui asked Nanny Zhang to find Hong Yun. She told her to pay attention to Hong Hui's expression before letting him out. After arranging these things, Lan Hui immediately leaned on the couch and slowly fell asleep listening to the music played by the tortoise shell.

When she woke up, she saw Hong Yun sitting on the chair next to him reading a book. Lan Hui couldn't help but smile because of his fascinated look. Speaking of which, she was about to start thinking about choosing a wife for Hong Yun. The children were getting older and older, and they had all reached the age of marriage before she knew it.

Hong Yun felt a gaze staring at him. When he looked up, he found Lan Hui looking at him with a smile. He immediately put down the book and shouted coquettishly: "Eniang~"

Lan Hui said 'Hey', then cheered up and sat up. Hong Yun hurriedly stood up and put a cushion behind her. Then Lan Hui asked: "How is the matter?"

Hong Yun laughed "hehe" twice, and his almond-shaped eyes, which were similar to Lan Hui's, curved into crescent moons and said, "When my son wanted to take his eldest brother there, he was still unwilling. It was his son who forced him to go over and see him. As a result, my eldest brother had learned so much from so many He took a fancy to Xilin Jueluo at first sight, and he looked at her for several times without turning his eyes. When his son saw her, he asked him why he kept staring at this girl. "Mother, what do you think happened to me?"

Lan Hui patted Hong Yun on the head and said, "You're still trying to get along with E Niang, please tell me."

Hong Yun rubbed the place where Lan Hui had knocked him and said, "My eldest brother's face turned red immediately. No matter how his son asked him, he just refused to tell me. He also asked his son why the Xilinjueluo clan came to attend the crab feast, and his son said yes. E Niang invited me. As a result, the eldest brother blushed even more and turned away without paying attention to his son. E Niang, my son guessed that the eldest brother must have taken a liking to Xilin Jueluo, so his face turned even redder when he looked at him. He looked like he had met Xilin Jueluo, but his son didn't ask."

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