Chapter 131-140

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Chapter 131: Reception at the Mansion Gate

Within two days, the fourth elder brother went out with Kangxi as expected. Honghui completely relaxed after his fourth brother left. Although he didn't dare to jump around in front of Lanhui for fear of scaring his little brother in E Niang's belly, he had nothing to do but walked around with Zongzi beside Xiaobai to practice his courage. There is still a lot of work to do. Lan Hui burst out laughing every time she saw Zongzi shivering after approaching Xiaobai. Xiaobai now hunts in the space every day, and the dangerous aura on his body is getting heavier and heavier. How can Zongzi, a pocket-sized puppy, not be afraid when he sees it?

Of course, Lan Hui didn't forget the promise she made to Fourth Brother. A small courtyard was specially built next to the study room in the front yard, and Lu'er and his wife were assigned to be responsible for the purchase and management of the small courtyard. Because she heard from Fourth Brother that Wu Sidao had some bad legs and feet, Lan Hui also drew drawings and had someone make a wooden wheelchair. Of course, the back of the chair and the seat cushions are covered with fine fur.

Because of the wheelchair, the ground in the small courtyard was paved with marble by Lanhui. Of course, only some of the paths were paved. As for the small garden in the courtyard, it still maintained its original flavor. Lanhui has also made a slope on the threshold of each room. With a little effort on the wrist, the wheelchair can be driven out of the house.

Lan Hui also specially packed up a large room as a study room, and asked the slaves to install bookcases, desks and other furniture made of fine wood. As for the books on the bookcases, Lan Hui only took out a few rare ancient books to decorate the space. Just a moment. However, she estimated that for a scholar like Wu Sidao, these books would be more to his liking than the entire courtyard.

Of course, Honghui's future classroom, Lanhui, is also carefully decorated. Although it cannot be painted with colorful walls like a modern kindergarten, she also specially made ground dragons inside to ensure that Honghui will not get cold when studying in winter. With. When Zhi'er and the others found out, they said yes and asked Lan Hui to build one for her own house.

However, Grandma Zhang refused sternly, saying that Lan Hui could not hear or see the construction of the house while she was pregnant, and ordered Lan Hui not to go to the courtyard to observe the progress. Lan Hui naturally understands this, so what if the jingling noise in the courtyard scares the child in her belly? So she never left the intermediate hospital after giving her oral confession.

After finishing the work in the small courtyard, Lan Hui was ordered to have a good rest. She couldn't do it without taking a rest now. Since the three-month dangerous period passed, Dr. Lin has not prescribed any more miscarriage medicine for Lan Hui. After letting her eat a lot of medicinal food, Lan Hui's weight has increased faster than in the past few months, and her belly has expanded rapidly.

Although she eats this and that every day, Lan Hui still feels hungry all the time. She knows that pregnant women cannot be hungry, so even though she eats many meals a day and gains weight quickly, she will scream as soon as she is hungry. Mo'er served the meal, and now there was a small kitchen in Lan Hui's yard. Mo'er and Jade were busy in it making all kinds of delicious food for Lan Hui every day.

Tortoiseshell is responsible for massaging Lan Hui's frequently cramped legs every day. As for playing the piano, she has already left it to Shou'er. Shou'er was Lan Hui's personal maid when she was not married, and she is also good at playing the piano.

Time passed in such a hurry, and on Honghui's fourth birthday in March, the fourth elder brother still did not come back. Although Kangxi had returned to Beijing with a large team of people, the fourth elder brother was really sent to Jiangnan to deal with something. Lan Hui didn't ask much about this. The fourth elder brother also told Lan Hui that he would find a way to go to Jiangnan before leaving, so Lan Hui just comforted the depressed Honghui. I gave him a happy birthday alone.

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