Establishing the General Backstory

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Few details and backstory will be the same for all stories of this book unless mentioned otherwise.

The backstory of Poddar Family mainly Armaan's: a little different from the show

Madhav Poddar met Arunima Neotia at the Police Academy and was smitten by her, while there they became friends, fell in love and he wanted to marry her, his mother, Kaveri Poddar didn't like Arunima mainly because she was hiding the bigger fact from Madhav was that she had fixed his marriage without his knowledge with Vidya Kothari a long time back and she didn't want to face humiliation at the hands of the Kothari plus she was too class conscious, the Poddars are a rich family and have generational wealth whereas the Neotia's were upper middle class though they had wealth and were well off but not to the extent of the Poddar's. So with no option left Madhav and Arunima had a court marriage against Kaveri's wish and had Armaan within a year of their marriage but unfortunately Arunima passed away at childbirth.

After Arunima passed away Kaveri started hounding Madhav for re-marriage and after a few months he gave in to her demands. So that's when he was introduced to Vidya he came out clean about his marriage and Armaan and how it will take him time to move on the tragedy of loosing his wife and also wanted an ultimate promise that if wants to go ahead with this she would never mistreat Armaan and never disrespect the memories of Arunima. The truth did hurt Vidya as she had secretly loved Madhav for so long as unlike Madhav she was aware of their arrangement so it did hurt her to not be his first choice nevertheless she went with the arrangement and gave the promises in a genuine manner but also developed an inferiority complex. Almost two years after their marriage they had Rohit. Unlike the show Madhav and Vidya have a good bond filled with warmth more like good friends and less like husband and wife but Vidya does not accuse Madhav of cheating on her as the scenario is different.

Armaan stayed mostly with his maternal grandparents till he was six and after that fully moved into the Poddar mansion. Unlike the show Kaveri is not into 24x7 taunting of Armaan, she is a little aloof about him for most the time, Sanjay Bansal in one person is into taunts but except Madhav and Vidya(sometimes) no have can openly oppose him as Kaveri never stopped him and rectified him. Unlike the show, Armaan and Madhav have a good bond. Rohit and Vidya also have a loving bond with Armaan and Vidya never saw him as a remembrance of the past. Rohit, unlike the show, also suffers from a hidden inferiority complex like his mother which sometimes resurfaces and makes him do whimsical things. Armaan knows the reality of his parents and the rest of the story and has a guilt within him that he took away Rohit and Vidya's rights. For Kaveri Rohit is most important then the rest of the grandchildren and then Armaan. For her Armaan is more of a trusted soldier than family and Armaan understands that and craves for acceptance as a family member from her a reason for which he does everything asked of him without any question. Though almost everyone in the family loved him, he never felt that warmth from anyone. So he immensely craves for a family and filial bond, love and acceptance mostly to be someone's first choice who will fight for him without asking for a price

Rest of the Poddars are same

The character of Kaveri Poddar is mostly dark grey for most of the time, still her darkness will vary from story to story.

Sanjay Bansal is a full dark character

The backstory of Abhira : Will be the same as the show though here she will know about her mother's past, the whole incident except the names.

Ruhi : Will be the same. Mostly will be a negative character but maybe in some story she will be better and in some grey.

Goenkas :Will be the same. Most will be negative characters. Manish will be as he is who will never have the spine to do the right thing; he will always do what's easy. 

Here, once Armaan got to know about Rohit and Ruhi's Engagement from that moment itself he has always maintained a distance from Ruhi and made it crystal clear to her that they are over and will never have any future. But Ruhi's character is obsessive; she doesn't take the rejection well as she seldom hears no so she will take it to ego and would be the character as shown in the show
Plus Armaan won't be the one to tell Ruhi about the deal between him and Abhira nor will it be Abhira


A/N: Hey everyone I hope everyone is doing well. I'm new to the YRKKH/AbhiMaan Fandom hope you all like it. Well that's all for the Prologue. I'm open to Requests if anyone have any I'll be happy to accept it. Thank You all in advance.

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