chapter one

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"Dawn, hurry up. We're gonna be late. Come on," shouted rory gilmore. She rushed into the Parker household and saw Dawn making a cup of coffee. "Moring rory," said Dawn cheerfully. "Come on girls your going to be late. Luke told me he was saving your table for another ten minutes." Said dawns father. After Dawn made her cup of coffee, she rushed out the door to go to lukes with rory, Lane, and millie Brown. All of the girls have an interesting back story about how they became friends. Rory and Dawn met in the 3rd grade at recess. They played hopscotch together, and afterwards, they became inseparable. Lane and Dawn met two weeks after through rory. millie and Dawn were next-door neighbours all their lives, so they knew each other since they were babies. Today was dawns first day of Chilton school. Dawn was nervous, but rory reassured her that it was gonna be fine as it was rorys second year at the school.

"Mister dugray," said Mr. medina, the young good-looking boy that walked through the door, handed the teacher a note. " I hope your grandfather is feeling better," said the teacher. "He is, sir, thank you," said dugray. He walked past Dawn ,gave her a wink, and continued walking. Dawn was smitten, but she knew about this dugray boy through rory, and she knew she couldn't date him as he had a girlfriend called Summer. The boy sat beside someone and wisperd "who's that" "tristen that's our new girl" replied the person beside him.

"Hey, new girl," said tristen. "Are you talking to me?"said Dawn. "Yeah, I am," the young boy replied."So how about I give you my notes because Mr. medina class is tough."No thanks, Mr dugray. I'll borrow my friends' notes. I think you know her actually her name is rory gilmore."Oh yeah, I know rory, and by the way, my name is tristen. What's yours? " asked tristen
"Dawn.. that's my name, that's me. " Dawn knew she liked him, and tristen knew it too. "Dawn, that's a pretty name. How about you come to the chilten dance with me next Friday night?" Asked tristen. "Oh yeah, I'd love to come. My address is 265 Blake Street, and it's the third house." Tristen gave Dawn a very obvious look up and down. Then he gave her his phone number and said he'd see her tomorrow.

"Ekk, I'm so excited." Said Dawn she could not believe that she was going to a Chilton dance with whom everyone thought was the hottest guy in school.

Only You My Girl // Tristen dugray Where stories live. Discover now