lets skip to autumn

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Dawn brought tristen into her house and got him to meet her mother and father . "Dawn, how was the dance?" Asked lilly, dawns mum."The dance was amazing, and I have someone you would like to meet," said Dawn with a smile on her face. "Mum, dad. This is Tristen dugray. "Hi, tristen, I'm John Parker." Said dawns father
"Hello, I'm lilly,"said Dawns  mother. Tristen shook their hand. " Dawn, I better go. dad said I have to be back by at least 11:00pm see you tomorrow," "ok, I'll walk you to the door." Dawn and tristen went to the tristen, gave her a kiss. "Bye Dawn, I'll call you."Okay, bye," Dawn chuckled, and with that, he drove away in his car. Dawn walked back into the kitchen . "Tristen seems nice." Said dawns father "Yeah he's great, I'm going to go to bed now. Goodnight, mom. Goodnight, dad." Said Dawn.

"rory, you slept with dean in Miss Party's?" Said Dawn Lane and milly insync "yep mom's still mad, so don't bring it up around her, okay? " said rory."Dawn, we're gonna be late. Come on," the two girls rushed on the bus. "I have news," said Dawn, looking excited. " What is it? I'm not a mind reader, " asked rory, although she already had a thought about what it would be. " Tristen is my boyfriend!" Said Dawn cheerfully
"Omg Dawn, that's great," said rory.

-at school
"Hey," said tristen. "Hey yourself," said Dawn. Tristen gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Tristen!" She said while chucking."we can't do this here. We're in school," said Dawn."Too late, we just did," replied tristen. "So what class do you have?" The young teenage boy asked."I have art. What do you have? " asked Dawn " media studies, " said the teenage boy with a frown on his face."I'll see you later, so" Dawn gave a tristen a kiss on the lips. Some girls were looking at tristen when he was walking along the corridor with Dawn. Tristen gave her a kiss on the lips. "Ah, to be young and in love, am I right, ladies?" And then they parted their separate ways to go different classes.

-After school
"Hi Luke," said Dawn cheerfully. " whoa your not Luke. Who are you?"Does it matter who I am to you anyway? What do you want?" Asked the young boy behind the counter." I would like two black coffees'" she failed to finish her sentence. A young girl walked in and kissed the boy behind the counter. "Um, hello, I was ordering. Can you at least let me finish before you go showing Pda in a diner?" Asked dawn."jess, get to work, and Shane, you know you're not allowed back here, so get out." Said Luke
" Sorry about him Dawn he's my nephew."How was the dance?" asked Luke." The dance was great. I had fun." All of a sudden, a very angry lorelai walks in the door. " What's wrong, lorelai?" Luke asked." I'll tell you what's wrong, Luke. What's wrong is my daughter pulled a thing that was very like me when I was 16."
" Did that twat get her pregnant because I swear if he did he's got another thing coming". Said luke
"No luke he just slept with rory last night in Miss pattys and she didn't bother to tell me where she was until she came back this morning and now my mother's giving out to me and oh lord I need a cup of coffee". "Oh". Said luke stunned for words. Dawns phone starts ringing. " Luke, thanks for the coffee and lorelai. I hope this issue gets solved. I gotta go bye." Dawn ran out of the diner and answered her phone. " Hi, dad."Hey Dawn, just to let you know, tristens here, and your Mon and I are going to miami for a few weeks to see your aunt Mia."Ok, I'm on the way home from lukes now. I'll see you in a bit, " said Dawn, and she hung up the phone

"Hey, I'm home." "Hey pretty girl," said tristen, "Pretty girl?" Asked dawn
"I know I'm pretty, but come on, I have heard that before."Yeah, I know you have my cousin watched one tree hill, and I'm forced to watch it with her," said tristen. "Your mom and dad just decided to leave me here, so... I've been here because I don't know anything about this place, " said tristen with a wide grin on his face. " So are you gonna stay here, or are you gonna kiss me?" Asked dawn. Tristen walked over to her and kissed her. " I'm gonna guess your friends' names here, Lane and molly?" "Ha your close it's milly, but there good don't tell anyone this, but rory slept with Dean in Miss partys studio." Tristens jaw fell to the floor. RING RING, dawns phone was ringing again. "Hello." Hi dawn, it's me, sookie. There's a dance on in the dragon fly, and I was just wondering if you would like to go?" Asked sookie." Yeah, sure, I'll go. Thanks for the invite, sookie, " said Dawn cheerfully. Sookie hung up the phone. "Who was that?" Asked tristen as they sat in the couch." That was the cook from the dragonfly Inn she's lorelais best friend. There's a wedding  at the dragon fly Inn next Sunday night, and she was wondering if I would like to go. " "That means I have to dance again, doesn't it?" Asked tristen. Dawn nodded and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Coffee?" She asked. "Yeah thanks dawn I was gonna make some, but I don't have a clue where anything is," said tristen.

Later that evening
Rory and paris were over. "So, where's tristen?" asked paris."He's in londen with his family." The next thing a knock came at the door. "Care package," said  the boy from the diner.
"Jess, I'm really busy right now, and I don't want a care package." Said Dawn. "Okie dokie, I'll leave it at the door." And with that, the boy walked away. "Wow, you managed to get rid of jess mariano." Said paris. "That means he likes you." Said rory. "No, it doesn't shut up, guys. I'm with tristen, okay? " said Dawn.
Later that evening, all three girls fell asleep watching the notebook.

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