the wedding day blues

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"Wow, don't you look lovely, Miss gilmore?"  said Dawn. "Is trisen comming?" asked rory. "He is," said Dawn. The girls walked to the door to see tristen and Dean holding flowers at lorelais front door. "Oh my days." Said both teenage girls as they opened the door to let the boys in. "Where the hell did you get this idea from? Ross geller?" "No I'm your boyfriend, tristen, and no, I will not dress up as a chlander bing for Halloween." Said tristen. Dawn started laughing.

At the wedding.
"Hey," said Dawn cheerfully "Dawn I'm sorry, but I have to go." "Why is there something wrong?" Said Dawn.
"Dad wants me to go to a meeting for the family business," said tristen. He kissed dawns lips, and he walked away to say his goodbyes.  Dawn turned around, and she saw jess. "What are you doing here?" Asked dawn."I had to do something for Luke, and I thought I would go see the married couple and tell them congratulations," said the teenage boy, giving her a very obvious look up and down. "You look nice," he said, breaking the silence. Dawn kissed him passionately. She turned around. " Dawn," said jess. "Don't say a word about this, please," she asked him. Jess nodded. "Dawn, come on, it's starting." Said rory. "Where's tristen?" Said, jess. "He had a work meeting, but he'll be back for the reception." "Bye, jess, " said Dawn and rory insync. Rory and Dawn walked away, and jess gave Dawn a wink.

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