the next step

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"I just don't know what to do anymore," said Dawn with tears in her eyes. "Dawn, it's okay. I get it. You like jess and your dating tristen, and you don't know how to get yourself out of the situation." Said rory. "Hey," said tristen. "Hey yourself," said Dawn.  "Dawn, we need to break up," said the young dugray boy. "What, why, what did I do?"Asked dawn. "I'm sorry, really I am. Out of the three girls I have gone out with in Chilton, believe me, you were the best, " said tristen. "I have to move to North carloina," he continued. "Why?" Asked dawn, confused. "I robbed bowman's dad's safe, but to be honest, he done most of it, so that's why I have to move. Look Dawn If I could change this in any way, I would see you later dawn, " said tristen as he walked out the door. Dawn broke down I to tears. "Oh sweetie, it's okay, don't worry," said rory. "Here, I'll make you some coffee, and we could go to lukes," said rory. Dawn nodded her head. Rory and her walked out the door. "Hey," Dawn snuffled. "Omg Dawn, what's wrong?" Asked Luke. "She broke up with tristen," rory wisperd to Luke. "Omg Dawn, I'm sorry. Do you want to go upstairs for a while. Jess is just over a breakup. Maybe he could help you, " said Luke."Okay thanks luke" said Dawn.
Dawn walked upstairs, and rory stayed in the diner because she was meeting Dean. "Hey, can I come in?" Asked dawn. "Yeah, sure you okay?" Mumbled, jess. "Not really tristen just broke up with me," said Dawn with tears in her eyes. "Why was it about the kiss because if it was, I'm so sorry, really I am." Said, jess. "You didn't do anything he's moving he had to break up with me because he's moving across the country." Said dawn. " I heard you're going through the same thing," she countuined. "I broke up with her, but I feel terrible," said jess.
"Well, why did you break up with her?"Bet you, it's for a better reason than mine," said Dawn. "I liked someone else," jess Mumbled. "Who do you like?" Asked dawn. "You," replied jess

Only You My Girl // Tristen dugray Where stories live. Discover now