i just hate tristen

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"Omg, I am sick of men," said Dawn, walking to the dragonfly Inn. "What happened now?" Asked dean. "Okay, so tristen breaks up with me because he robbed a fucking safe because he's an idiot and then I go to lukes, and jess told me he liked me and my brain can't handle it" said Dawn sitting down on a couch in the lobby. "Omg, someone likes me he's good-looking. My wallets are too small for my fiftys and my dimiond shoes are too tight" countuined Dawn. "Oh speaking of which here he comes," said rory. "Jess, hey," said Dawn. "Hey, can we talk?" said jess. "Yeah," replied the girl. "So Urm, when I said I liked, you kinda ran off without giving me an answer, but if you need time to think about it, then let me know when you have" said jess. Dawn looked over at rory, and Dean, who mouthed the words, "kiss him." Dawn gave one look at jess and sunk into a passionate kiss. "Well, I think that sums up my answer," said Dawn. "I gotta go, but are you gonna come to lukes later?" Asked jess, giving Dawn puppy dog eyes as he asked his question. Dawn kissed jess again. "Possibly I haven't made up my mind," she said. She gave him a wink, and she walked back to rory and Dean. "Omg! I take it back. I don't have men. I just hate tristen that was the best first kiss I've had with a guy in a while, " said Dawn "Dawn that wasn't your first kiss with jess, " said rory. "I know, buy we won't call that one a proper first kiss," said Dawn. "Why, what was your first kiss with jess?" Asked dean. "At sookies' wedding," Dawn said quickly. "Whoa," said dean. "Yep, I'm gonna go to lukes now. Bye-bye," Dawn said cheerfully

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