Chapter 1

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They kicked out me from the orphanage, cause the thing I did they'll never let me stay here for a bit.
They throw my bags on me.

"Don't dare to come here ever again"

The head caregiver says,I just give him a numb smile. Than I stand up and turn around,I heard they shut the mansion door behind me by making a loud noise.That's What I wanted for years to get out from that prison...I mean orphanage .It's feels nice now. But....Where should I go? I have no place to go.
(Pov ends)

2 days ago-
It's was a sunny noon, All the orphanage kids were playing on the ground. Some of them were playing , gossiping but only a girl was different from them all and yes, it was Aiko. She was reading a book, sitting under a tree.

Pov of Aiko: I know none likes me , but What should I do? I don't have my parents. And people rising their fingers at me and saying that It's all because of me? Why? Am I cursed? That can't be. Why God took them away from me? Why? I wanted to see them again and I also know that's impossible. The others kids at orphanage also bully me saying that My parents dead cause of me. How do I know what exactly happened that day I weren't with them that day.......My one and only dream is to get out from here. I don't wanna stay here no more. I'm already 17 years old and I spend 12 years of my life in this orphanage. It's feels like living in a jail to me and I hate it!

She was expressing her feelings while reading and suddenly her attention caught at somebody's gossiping. Who were gossiping in front of her.She pretend like she was reading by not looking up at them.

"You know, a lot of kids are disappearing from the orphanage" A girls with long hair says"

"Especially girls, I swear where are they going?" Another girl says.

"Didn't you heard about the rumor that one of the caregiver is selling kids to other countries" a girl join them.

"Really? Is the rumor true? They are selling kids?!" Long girl girl says.

"Yes, I scared if they will also sell me off" other girl  placing his hand on her chest in fear.

They leaves in other sides

Selling it real? I mean one of the caregiver is doing this. And they are mainly selling the girls. That's must mean they had bad intations about girl kids. Who is doing these? What if they wants to sell me off ? What I'll do than?

"Time up everyone let's go inside" The caregivers were shouting.

We all go inside the hall, and it was 2 hours study section than we had our dinner than go to sleep. That thing was still in my mind. Who is doing these things? It's illegal, Totally illegal!
I heard some noise maybe someone open the door I colse my eyes and acting like I'm sleeping but I was watching them from the corner of my left eye. I saw a caregiver enter with an unknown person, A man but I could not saw his face as it was covered with mask and a cap.She is telling something to him I can hear

"Mmm...looks good" The man mumbles.

"She is 17 and She doesn't have a family or any big family background. So....I can sell her to you easily but for that you have to pay a good amount"
The caregiver smirked.
So she wants to sell me,okey.we will see.
"Just tell me how much you want?"

"Properly 10 million"

He chuckeles "10 million is air for me, send her as soon as possible"

"You also don't forget to send the money as soon as possible"She smirked.

"Anyway what's the back story of that girl?" He truned at me.

"Her parents dead in a car accident when she was 5 years old and her relatives refused to adopt her"

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