Chapter 4

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Outside the college Kaito was sitting outside on his car along with Ken and Yuto.

"I'm handsome right?" Kaito asks. Our world wide Handsome boy.

"Yes, You're the most Handsome and popular boy in our college." Yuto says he is right tho.

"Huh!" Ken roll his eyes.

" You know tomorrow I saw a beautiful girl and I'm still mesmerized by her beauty " Kaito's as usual drama.

"So, You fell for her?" Yuto asks.

"No,She was only five years old my neighbors child " Yuto destroyed in seconds.

"WTF " ken says kinda traumatized.

"I brought her a lollipop "

"Are you done with your drama? Why are you telling us this type of childish story?" Ken says.

"Let me finish my words at least! She looks like a a girl from our college."

"Which girl?" Yuto asks.

"The new girl in our class." Kaito answer.

"Oh...What was her name? Aiho ....or Aibo..." Yuto it's not her name!

"Aiko, Aiko Hinata" Kaito, That's my boy.

"Oh! Look you also remember her name." Ken chuckeles.

"Of course" Kaito Smirked.

"Aren't you have a girlfriend?" Yuto asks.

"I had a girlfriend not have" Really?

"What you mean by that? Don't say you two broke up?" Ken says.

"Yes ,We did" OMG!

"When?" Yuto exclaimed.

"Today , Before coming to college."

"Wait wait wait so, You're telling me that you broke up with your girlfriend just a few minutes ago? And you don't have any regrets? Why did you broke up with her? You two were together for 2 years!" Ken says.

"Why should I regret? She also didn't regret I think she also wanted it. And I lost my internet on her."

"May I ask why?" Ken says.

"Cause She is busy 24/7 ,She also don't have time to talk with me. And for 3 months we met twice in a month. And I was really getting bored at home alone also you guys already know about my parents..." Kaito explain him everything in details.

"She also wanted to broke up with you? Are you sure?" Ken asks.

"I don't think so she would wanted to leave a handsome caring boy like me. Whatever I dumped her."

"Oh!!!" Yuto shouts in excitements.

"But she was also beautiful " ken says.

"But she was just like a normal girl like everyone. I want something extraordinary kinda arrogant type girl full of attitude."

"Hey, Don't say this to me that you fell for the new girl, Aiko." Ken asks.

"Mmm... maybe yes or maybe no." Kaito mumbles.

"Here they are." Yuto says as he saw them entering at the college.

Kaito looks throwards them and go near .

"Hi !" He waved at her and Aiko frowned in shockeness.

There was a awkward scilent in the air.

"Hello Kaito, What's up?" Hana says finally.

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