Chapter 5

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Aiko had a cold shower she still can't stop thinking about what Kaito said.

"I'll make sure to make me important to you than the classes." This thing was repeating on her mind.

Afterward she is going to see Junko and Takeshi.

"Where are you going now?" Hana asks.

"To help my friends unpacking the things."

"Than I'll also go with you , I'll also help them."

If she wants to help us so....

At Junko's room Takeshi was also there.

"Oh , you came." Junko says as she saw Aiko.

"The room is quiet messy, We need to clean it first. Who is she?"
Takeshi noticed Hana.

"Hi! I'm Hana Aiko's roommate."

"Oh! Hello Hana."

"Thank God you guys come hurry especially Aiko . These rooms were empty for almost 3 months and I was damn lonely." Hana says.

"These rooms were empty for 3 months?" Shocked Takeshi.

"Yes" Hana reply.

" must felt so lonely. I was also feeling lonely without Aiko." Jungko was sniffing and guess what she started crying. #Junko's usual drama.
Hana also can't stop her tears,She joined her. Both were hugging each other and crying. You can see their profound love for crying.

"Wait, What happen? Why you guys are crying?" Takeshi frowned.

"No just they found their long lost sisters. I'm not even an interesting person. It's their daily drama."
Aiko roll her eyes and Takeshi laughed.
Their crying volume was increasing.

"Stop crying!" Aiko yelled at them and forantly they pull off and stop crying but both were sniffing.

Takeshi giggles "Let's start work now."


Aiko , Takeshi start by cleaning the room and Hana ,Jungko was helping them.
Aiko stand in a chair to hang the doorbell but accidentally she slipped and was about to fall at the same moment Takeshi run throwards her and caught her into a bridal pose.

"Aiko! Are you okey?" Worried Takeshi says.

"I'm fine." I stand up probably and Takeshi help her.

"Did you hurt anywhere?" Takeshi and Jungko says at the same time. And How can I say. I hurt my butt from the corner of the chair. Ah!!! It's hurting crazy!!!
It's embarrassing to say them like guys my butt is hurting? WTF! That will be their reaction. Just stay quiet in pain it'll be better for me.

"Girl, You scared me." Hana sighs.

"Mm...give me the doorbell." I'm asking Takeshi.

"No, I'll take care of it. " He says fine than. By the way my butt is still hurting...

A few moments later, We are done our works and all sat on the floor. We are damn tired right now. I can see Takeshi Junko and Hana was sweating also me of course.

"Oh gosh, Aren't you guys are hungry?" Hana ask. Yes, I'm hungry.

"You stole my words, I was about to say that. I'm super hungry also too tired to make food now."

"Same here." I say.

"I also don't wanna make dinner." Hana pouts.

"Fine, I'll make dinner." Takeshi stands up.

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